2015年高考在大家的期待中到来,报考昆明艺术职业学院学校的考生们注意了!2015年昆明艺术职业学院高考分数线还未公布,昆明艺术职业学院高考分数线一般在6月下旬公布,留学群 高考频道为您开通2015年昆明艺术职业学院高考分数线发布入口,大家可以关注我们网站高考分数线的更新。
本网站将首先发布2015年昆明艺术职业学院高考分数线相关信息,请考生们随时关注 本网站的2015年云南高考分数线。
2015年昆明艺术职业学院高考分数线还没有公布之前,大家可以参考[云南历年高考分数线 以及2015年各省高考分数线预测汇总及2015 年高考分数线,让自己的心里有个数,昆明艺术职业学院分数线历年浮动应该不会太大的。
分数线和成绩都公布之后,就是志愿填报的时间了,6月下旬广大考生可以登录2015年云南高考志愿填报时间及入口 进行志愿填报,志 愿填报不知道填的同学可以参考本网站为您提供的2015年云南高考志愿填报指南 。
2015年云南高考分数线公布情况 | ||||||
一本 | 二本 | 三本 | 专科 | 艺术 | 美术 | 体育 |
昆明艺术职业学院,现位于云南省,是一所工科性质的院校。拥有国家重点科研项目0个,院士0人,博士点0个,硕士点0个。如需联系该校,请拨打电话: (0871)7328866、7328609、7328315,或者直接联系:云南省昆明市官南大道夏之春园区
云南省第一所获准设立的艺术职业学院云南省第一所获准引进外籍专家的艺术职业学院云南省第一所获准面向全国招生的艺术职业学院云南省第一所通过教育部人才培养工作水平评估的艺术职业学院昆明艺术职业学院是云南省人民政府批准、国家教育部备案,实施专科学历教育的普通高校,前身为聂耳音乐学校。学院地处滇池之滨,校园占地200余亩,建筑面积7万多平米,环境优美,设施齐全。现设有聂耳音乐学院、设计与传媒学院、舞蹈、应用外语等院系;有来自25个省、区30多个民族的在校生3000余人。学院汇聚了一批国内外有较高知名度的专家、学者和素质过硬的“双师型”中青年骨干教师。中西合璧、结构合理、专业配套、素质优良的教师队伍为学生成长成才提供了有力保证。学院致力于培养一专多能、德艺双馨、专业技能好、动手能力强、适应社会需求的高等艺术人才。多年来为各类专业文艺团体、传媒机构、部队、企事业单位输送了大批优秀艺术人才,同时为国内外更高层次的院校提供了优质生源。2006年10月顺利通过了教育部高职高专人才培养工作水平评估。Introduction of KunmingProfessionalCollege of ArtsIt is the first professional college of Arts approved for its establishment from provincial Government.It is the first professional college of Arts that is allowed to recruit foreign teachers and experts.It is the first Professional College of Arts approved by provincial Government to recuite students nationwide.It is the first Professional College of Arts that passed Level Assesment of Personnel Trainning from the Ministry of Education.Kunming Professional College of Arts, formerly known as Ni’er School of Music, is a common institution of higher education imparting education in associate diploma, authorized by Yunnan Provincial Government and registered at China’s National Ministry of Education。Our college is located at the bank of Dianchi Lake, it covers an area of more than 33 acres with construction floor space over 17.3 acres with beautiful environment and complete supporting facilities. There are Nie’er school of Music, Department of Media and Design, Department of Dance, Department of Applied Foreign Languages and etc. In our college. There are more than 2000 students from 25 different Provinces and Autonomous Regions and of more than 30 different ethnic groups in China.We have brought together a contingent of well-known experts, scholars and young and middle-aged key lectures of high competence. Consisting of widely experienced and well qualified Chinese and foreign teachers which provided a solid base for ensuring students’ development.Our college is committed to providing innovative education for students to be ‘expert in major and good at others’, ‘morally and artisticallyqualified’, professional, practical and technically capable in order to meet the requirement of society. Over the years, we have provided a large number of well qualified artistic graduates for various professional art bodies, media, armies and enterprises. At the same time, we also have provided high-quality students both at home and abroad for further education. In October 2006, the college had passed Level Assessment for Personnel Training in Vocational Education hosted by the Ministry of Education.
2015高考热点聚焦 | |||
高考志愿填报 | 高考志愿填报时间 | 高考志愿填报系统 | 征集志愿 |
一本分数线 | 二本分数线 | 三本分数线 | 专科分数线 |
一本大学排名 | 二本大学排名 | 三本大学排名 | 专科学校排名 |
文科热门专业 | 文科大学排名 | 理科热门专业 | 理科大学排名 |
2015全国高考满分作文 | 2015高考真题及答案专题 | 2015高考状元名单专题 | 2015年高考录取分数线 |
一本分数线 | 二本分数线 | 三本分数线 | 文科分数线 | 理科分数线 | 专科分数线 |