下面是由普林斯顿评论发布的2011年美国大学排名的问卷调查中,关于“Are your instructors good teachers?”这个问题的相关结果---教授得分最高Professors Get High Marks。普林斯顿美国大学排名中关于教授得分最高Professors Get High Marks 的排名包括了排名最前的20所学校。下面我们就一起来看看这份普林斯顿美国大学排名吧。
Are your instructors good teachers?
Rank School Name | Location
1.Reed College | Portland,OR
2.Wellesley College | Wellesley, MA
3.Middlebury College | Middlebury, VT
4.Sweet Briar College | Sweet Briar, VA
5.Davidson College | Davidson, NC
6.Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering | Needham, MA
7.Hampden-Sydney College | Hampden-Sydney, VA
8.College of William and Mary
9.New College of Florida
10.Harvey Mudd College | Claremont, CA
11.Whitman College | Walla Walla, WA
12.Kenyon College | Gambier, OH
13.Sarah Lawrence College | Bronxville, NY
14.Austin College | Sherman, TX
15.Wittenberg University | Springfield, OH
16.Carleton College | Northfield, MN
17.Oglethorpe University | Atlanta, GA
18.Wabash College | Crawfordsville, IN
19.Randolph College | Lynchburg, VA
20.Swarthmore College | Swarthmore, PA