这所大学位于加州旁边的亚利桑那州,位于美国西南部,气候温和,这个大学综合排名不好,但是专业排名很不错,全球大学排名也在100以内,仅次于中国的清华和北京大学,全美学术排名(American Reputation Ranking)第37,以下理科专业排名 Top10: 分析化学, 人类学, 天文学, 天体物理学, 生态和进化动力学,地质学,水文地质学,药剂学 , 沉积学,地层学,地质结构学, 筑造学,以下专业排名 Top 5: 管理学院管理信息系统MIS program , 应用数学,植物遗传和地球学项目, 群体生物学。以下文科专业排名Top10: 语言学, 哲学,创新写作,拉丁美洲历史, 社会心理学,语音和语言病理学,社会学, 舞蹈,摄影。
Application Deadline(s)
International Applicants
December 15
July 15
Summer I
December 15
Summer II
December 15
Other Application Requirements
· Bachelor's degree from an institution recognized by the UA. Students who do not have a degree equivalent to the UA Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering may be admitted into the graduate ECE program, but may be required to complete some undergraduate deficiency courses prior to enrolling in graduate courses. See the Graduate Handbook chapter regarding students with a non-ECE bachelor?s degree for further details.
· Grade-point average must be competitive.
· GRE scores must be competitive (incl. Verbal, Quantitative, and Analytical Writing).
· Applicants whose native language is not English are required by the Graduate College to submit a minimum TOEFL score of 550 (213 CBT). See the UA Graduate Catalog for a discussion of exemptions