


  1、 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

  2、 Princeton University

  3、 Harvard University

  4、 University of California—​Berkeley

  5、 Stanford University

  6、University of Chicago

  7、 California Institute of Technology

  8、 University of California—​Los Angeles

  9、 Columbia University

  9、 New York University

  9、 University of Michigan—​Ann Arbor

  9、 Yale University


Rank School name City Score


Massachusetts Institute of Technology  Cambridge, MA 5.0 


Princeton University  Princeton, NJ 5.0 


Harvard University  Cambridge, MA 4.9 


University of California—​Berkeley  Berkeley, CA 4.9 


Stanford University  Stanford, CA 4.8 


University of Chicago  Chicago, IL 4.8 


California Institute of Technology  Pasadena, CA 4.6 


University of California—​Los Angeles  Los Angeles, CA 4.6 


Columbia University  New York, NY 4.5 


New York University  New York, NY 4.5 


University of Michigan—​Ann Arbor  Ann Arbor, MI 4.5 


Yale University  New Haven, CT 4.5 


Cornell University  Ithaca, NY 4.3 


Brown University  Providence, RI 4.2 


University of Texas—​Austin  Austin, TX 4.2 


University of Wisconsin—​Madison  Madison, WI 4.2 


Duke University  Durham, NC 4.0 


Northwestern University  Evanston, IL 4.0 


University of Illinois—​Urbana-​Champaign  Urbana, IL 4.0 


University of Maryland—​College Park  College Park, MD 4.0 


University of Minnesota—​Twin Cities  Minneapolis, MN 4.0 


University of Pennsylvania  Philadelphia, PA 4.0 


Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey—​New Brunswick  Piscataway, NJ 3.9 


University of California—​San Diego  La Jolla, CA 3.9 


Johns Hopkins University  Baltimore, MD 3.8 


Stony Brook University—​SUNY  Stony Brook, NY 3.8 


University of Washington  Seattle, WA 3.8 


Georgia Institute of Technology  Atlanta, GA 3.7 


Ohio State University  Columbus, OH 3.7 


Pennsylvania State University—​University Park  University Park, PA 3.7 


Purdue University—​West Lafayette  West Lafayette, IN 3.7 


Rice University  Houston, TX 3.7 


University of North Carolina—​Chapel Hill  Chapel Hill, NC 3.7 


Carnegie Mellon University  Pittsburgh, PA 3.6 


Indiana University—​Bloomington  Bloomington, IN 3.6 


University of California—​Davis  Davis, CA 3.6 


University of Illinois—​Chicago  Chicago, IL 3.6 


University of Utah  Salt Lake City, UT 3.6 


CUNY Graduate School and University Center  New York, NY 3.5 


Washington University in St. Louis  St. Louis, MO 3.5 


Brandeis University  Waltham, MA 3.4 


Texas A&M University—​College Station  College Station, TX 3.4 


University of Arizona  Tucson, AZ 3.4 


University of California—​Irvine  Irvine, CA 3.4 


University of Notre Dame  Notre Dame, IN 3.4 


Boston University  Boston, MA 3.3 


Michigan State University  East Lansing, MI 3.3 


University of California—​Santa Barbara  Santa Barbara, CA 3.3 


University of Colorado—​Boulder  Boulder, CO 3.3 


University of Southern California  Los Angeles, CA 3.3 


Vanderbilt University  Nashville, TN 3.3 


Dartmouth College  Hanover, NH 3.2 


North Carolina State University  Raleigh, NC 3.2 


University of Georgia  Athens, GA 3.2 


University of Virginia  Charlottesville, VA 3.2 


Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute  Troy, NY 3.1 


University of Florida  Gainesville, FL 3.1 


University of Iowa  Iowa City, IA 3.1 


University of Oregon  Eugene, OR 3.1 


Arizona State University  Tempe, AZ 3.0 


Northeastern University  Boston, MA 3.0 


University of Massachusetts—​Amherst  Amherst, MA 3.0 


University of Pittsburgh  Pittsburgh, PA 3.0 


Virginia Tech  Blacksburg, VA 3.0 


Emory University  Atlanta, GA 2.9 


University of Missouri  Columbia, MO 2.9 


University of Nebraska—​Lincoln  Lincoln, NE 2.9 


Iowa State University  Ames, IA 2.8 


Tulane University  New Orleans, LA 2.8 


University of California—​Riverside  Riverside, CA 2.8 


University of Kansas  Lawrence, KS 2.8 


University of Rochester  Rochester, NY 2.8 


Brigham Young University  Provo, UT 2.7 


Claremont Graduate University  Claremont, CA 2.7 


Colorado State University  Fort Collins, CO 2.7 


Florida State University  Tallahassee, FL 2.7 


Louisiana State University—​Baton Rouge  Baton Rouge, LA 2.7 


New York University  Brooklyn, NY 2.7 


Oregon State University  Corvallis, OR 2.7 


Tufts University  Medford, MA 2.7 


University at Buffalo—​SUNY  Buffalo, NY 2.7 


University of California—​Santa Cruz  Santa Cruz, CA 2.7 


University of Delaware  Newark, DE 2.7 


University of Kentucky  Lexington, KY 2.7 


University of Oklahoma  Norman, OK 2.7 


University of Tennessee—​Knoxville  Knoxville, TN 2.7 


Binghamton University—​SUNY  Binghamton, NY 2.6 


Oklahoma State University  Stillwater, OK 2.6 


Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey—​Newark  Newark, NJ 2.6 


Syracuse University  Syracuse, NY 2.6 


Temple University  Philadelphia, PA 2.6 


University at Albany—​SUNY  Albany, NY 2.6 


University of Connecticut  Storrs, CT 2.6 


University of Houston  Houston, TX 2.6 


Auburn University  Auburn, AL 2.5 


Case Western Reserve University  Cleveland, OH 2.5 


Clemson University  Clemson, SC 2.5 


Kansas State University  Manhattan, KS 2.5 


Lehigh University  Bethlehem, PA 2.5 


University of Miami  Coral Gables, FL 2.5 


University of New Mexico  Albuquerque, NM 2.5 


University of South Carolina  Columbia, SC 2.5 


George Washington University  Washington, DC 2.4 





























