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加州大学戴维斯分校自1905年创校,以农学起家,属于加州大学10个分校之一,综合学术水平在加州大学系统里面属于顶级,为 Tier-1 全美最顶尖大学之一,与加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)、加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)、加州大学圣地亚哥分校(UC San Diego) 齐名,并称“上流加州大学”(Upper UCs)。占地约7309英亩,是加州大学占地最广的校区。该校采用Quarter制,即一年3学期制,每学期11周。除了研究设备与学术水平水准是加州乃至全美最高级之外,学校的各式体育设施及多元化的学生社团也非常有名。
农业及环境科学学院 (College of Agricultural and Enviromental Sciences)
生物科学学院 (College of Biological Science)
工程学院 (College of Engineering)
文理学院 (College of Letter and Science)
管理研究生院 (Graduate School of Management)
教育学院 (School of Education)
法学院 (School of Law)
医学院 (School of Medicine)
护理学院 (Betty Irene Moore School of Nursing)
在加州大学系统下的各分校中,戴维斯分校校园面积最大,总共有七千多英亩。设施建筑有:Advanced Materials Research Laboratory、ARC、Academic Surge、AOB IV、Arena Theatre、Art Building、Asmundson Hall、B Barn (Vet-med facility)、Baggins End (The Domes)、Bainer Hall、Bargain Barn、Bike Barn、UC Davis Bookstore、Bowley Hall、Bulk Mail Center、California Animal Health and Food Safety Lab、DANR Building、DANR Lab、Campus Data Center、Center for Geotechnical Modeling、Briggs Hall、Buehler Alumni & Visitors Center、Dutton Hall、California Regional Primate Research Center、Earth and Physical Sciences Building、Eichhorn Family House、EU III (the shorthand for Engineering III)、Chemistry Building、Cole Facility、The Colleges at La Rue、On Campus Co-Ops、Cowell Student Health Center、Crocker Nuclear Lab、Cross Cultural Center、Cruess Hall、The Dairy、Engineering Unit II (see Kemper Hall)、Equestrian Center、Everson Hall、Fire Department、Freeborn Hall、Ghausi Hall、Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility、Haring Hall、Hart Hall、Health Sciences Complex (includes library)、Hickey Gym、Hoagland Hall、Hoagland Hall Annex、Hog Barn、Human Nutrition Research Center、Hutchison Child Development Center、Housing Office、The House、Hunt Hall、Hutchison Drive Bike Lanes、Hutchison Hall、Hutchison Bus Terminal、Incinerator Building、Kemper Hall (formerly Engineering II)、Kerr Hall、King Hall、Kleiber Hall、Landfill、Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Cente、Libraries: Shields Library / Health Sciences Library / Law Library / Physical Sciences Library、Life Sciences Building formerly known as the Life Sciences Addition、Mann Laboratory、Mathematical Sciences Building、Memorial union 、Meyer Hall、Mondavi Center、Mondavi Institute for Food and Wine Science、Mrak Hall、Multi-Use Stadium、Music Building、North Hall、Olson Hall、Outdoor Adventures、Parsons Seed Certification Center、Peter A. Rock Hall、Physical Plant、Physical Sciences and Engineering Library、Physics Building、Plant and Environmental Sciences Building、Plant Reproductive Biology、Police Department‘Putah Creek Lodge、Raptor Center、Rec Hall、Rec Pool、Rifle Range、Robbins Annex、Robbins Hall、Roessler Hall、Service Unit Park、Schaal Aquatics Center、Schalm Hall、The Silo、Social Sciences and Humanities Building (The Social Sciences Building / Death Star)、South Hall、South Silo、Sproul Hall、Storer Hall、Student Community Center、Surge I / Surge II / Surge III / Surge IV、Technocultural Studies Building、Telecommunications、Temporary Buildings、Transportation & Parking Services、University Airport、University Club、Veihmeyer Hall、School of Veterinary Medicine 3A、Veterinary Medicine Instructional Facility、Voorhies Hall、Waste Water Treatment Plant、Walker Hall、Watershed Science Research Center、Wellman Hall、Wickson Hall、Wright Hall (the UC Davis Main Theater)、Wyatt Pavilion、Young Hall >>>大家都在看加州大学戴维斯分校校园风景