


  Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


  People love to visit museums when traveling to new places. I think this is because museums tell them a lot about the culture of those places. Museums are also fun. It’s almost impossible to get bored in a museum. Every museum will have at least one thing of interest to somebody.

  When visiting someplace new, you can find out about the culture of that place in many ways. You can go to a movie or a place of worship or a nightclub. Another option is to sit in the park and listen to the people around you. The easiest way to learn about a place's culture, though, is by visiting its museums. Museums will show you the history of the place you're visiting. They’ll show you what art the locals think is important.

  If there aren't any museums, that tells you something, too.

  Museums are fun. Even if you're not interested in art or history, there is always something to get your attention. Many museums now have what they call "hands-on" exhibits. These were originally designed to keep children occupied while their parents were looking at exhibits. However, museums have found that adults enjoy hands-on opportunities just as much as children. These exhibits have activities like pushing a button to hear more about what you're looking at, creating your own work of art, or trying on clothes like those on the models in the museum.

  People also enjoy visiting museums about unusual subjects. For instance, in my hometown there's a museum devoted to the potato. This museum has art made out of potatoes. It also tells all about the history of the potato, and sells potato mementos like key chains and potato dolls.

  People enjoy visiting this museum because it's different. It’s not something they'd find in their hometown and the museum's curator enjoy talking about the Great Potato.

  Museums are popular because they are about us. They reflect our creations, our values, and our dreams. No matter who you are or what you like, somewhere there is a museum that will amaze and interest you.


  【题目】Many people visit museums when they travel to new places. Why do you think people visit museums? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


 Why People Visit Museums?

  Museums are great repositories of mankind’s historical artifacts and achievements in art. From them we can learn a great deal about the people of the past and their link to the people of the present. We can also learn about cultures other than our own. I believe this last advantage is the main reason many people visit museums when they travel.

  When someone chooses to visit a new place, he often does so because he is interested in seeing a different environment and a different way of life. To gain a better understanding of this new culture, many travelers will go to a history or cultural museum. Even those who never visit museums at home may be inspired by the new sights around them and want to find out more. Other people choose to visit museums abroad insgroupsto see things that they cannot see at home. They may have read of famous works of art and look forward to the chance to see them with their own eyes. Still others may have a specific interest, such as butterflies or eighteenth century furniture. It is not possible for every community to support a museum devoted to every field of study, but travelers can take advantage of the opportunity to pursue their interests.

  No matter why one travels, the journey often offers the opportunity to visit a new museum. It is an activity that will provide the traveler with a better understanding of the world, no matter what his specific interest is. That is why I think most people choose to visit museums when they travel to a new place.







  repository n.宝库

  artifact n.手工艺品

  inspire v.启发

  abroad adv.在国外

  read of读到;获悉

  work of art艺术品



  1 免费开放的博物馆,会吸引更多的人来参观,这有助于人们更多、更好地了解中国文化和历史;

  2 但与此同时,一系列问题凸现出来,如:大声喧哗、乘人不备拍照、损坏文物等;

  3 我认为参观者应遵守博物馆的各项规章制度。More and more meseums in our country have been opened for free since last year_____________________________________________________


  Visiting the museum should be one of the best choices for the tourists who have never been in the place before with a limited amount of time. The amazing experience would definitely make your precious time most valuable. On the top of that, nothing could be as fascinating as the exhibition of the museum, which combines the visual entertainment, the educational experience and cultural sense altogether so well. The items on display are often organized by professional elaborately, designed not to confuse the spectators but to provide them with well-arranged knowledge. One who only read about the lives conditions of the creatures in Mesozoic can never imagine the breath-taking sight which could only be seen when he walks through the gallery of the fossils of dinosaur. Similarly, a thematic attire exhibit could impart the visitor about the convention of religion, custom and even ideology of a specified period, which are merely abstract impressions in reading material. Meanwhile, the architecture designs, which are more often than not among the most idiosyncratic in the city, are worth the visit. For example, the famous Louvre, originated in 13th century, taking up the Renaissance style and undergoing the turbulence of French Great Revolution, accommodating with the ideas of the first grade contemporary architects, assume an not only unique but also gorgeous fashion that can be seen nowhere else, with the labyrinth-like structure and the wonderful masterpieces, overwhelming the visitors. The Palace Museum itself is the most well-preserved and grandest ancient China architectural complex. The symmetrical distribution of the buildings sufficiently reflects the philosophy of the Chinese architecture and the strict hierarchy ideas of ancient China. Finally, some of the collections of a famous museum are second to no other celebrated resort locale. They are another kind of wonder on the earth, which demonstrate the superlative ingenuity and exorbitant crafts of human being. Few can hold there extolment to himself while they are visiting the Vatican Museum and dwarfed by the masterpieces of the Renaissance genius, namely, Rafael and Michelangelo, who had both devoted ten years of their golden era to the museum and sprinkled their talent in the countless paintings and statuary which have now been a part of the museum itself. Admiring such a artistic work only is a great mind-tugging that can be experienced right there, right then.



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