目录 | 申请指南 |
非学位申请程序 | |
各专业招生要求 |
Now that we have received your application it’s time for you to learn more about the application process and the documentation you may need to provide. Choose the appropriate heading below.
Before you get started, here are a few important points to keep in mind:
Correspondence will be sent to you by post or by email
The name on your paper and electronic documents should match the name on your OUAC application
Include your U of T applicant number, and OUAC Reference Number on all paper documents
Send all documents to Enrolment Services unless instructed otherwise
Use JOIN U of T to review the status of your application
University policies on access to student records and personal privacy allow us to speak only with the applicant unless we have written permission from the applicant to discuss the application with someone else.
University of Toronto Notice of Collection
The University of Toronto respects your privacy. Personal information that you provide to the University is collected pursuant to section 2(14) of the University of Toronto Act, 1971. It is collected for the purpose of administering admissions, registration, academic programs, university-related student activities, activities of student societies, safety, financial assistance and awards, graduation and university advancement, and reporting to government agencies for statistical purposes. At all times it will be protected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. If you have questions, please refer to www.utoronto.ca/privacy or contact the University Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Coordinator at 416-946-7303, McMurrich Building, room 201, 12 Queen’s Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8.
Please review each section of Next Steps carefully. Navigate through this guide using the sidebar menu on this page.
If you applied to more than one program, make sure that you visit the Program Information and Additional Requirements section for each one. You are responsible for ensuring that all required documents and forms are submitted by the stated deadlines.
Important Note for International Students: As it can take approximately one to three months to obtain a study permit and entry visa, you are encouraged to submit all supporting documents well in advance of posted deadlines.
地址: McMurrich Building, room 201, 12 Queen’s Park Crescent West, Toronto, ON, M5S 1A8.
Join U of T admissions website
Approximately one week after submitting your application online, you will receive an email with instructions for accessing the Join U of T admissions website. You are responsible for checking the join.utoronto.ca site regularly to determine what documents and additional information may still be required to complete your file.
We will not make additional requests for documents or confirm receipt of documents by mail or email.
大约在您在线申请之后一周,您将会收到关于进入多伦多大学连接网页(http://www.adm.utoronto.ca/adm/status)的说明信息的邮件。您可以点击进入join.utoronto.ca site并查看您的申请还需要提交什么文件和附加信息。
Enable your JOINid / UTORid
To enable your JOINid / UTORid, you will need your JOINid / UTORid and your U of T Applicant Number which you will find in your email acknowledgement. In addition you will need to provide your date of birth and your ten digit OUAC Reference Number, beginning with 2014. Please note that your OUAC Reference Number is NOT your OUAC User ID that begins with “IT”.
请激活您的JOINid / UTORid
您将需要您的JOINid / UTORid和您的多伦多大学申请号码,您可以从确认邮件中找到以上信息。另外从2014年开始,您需要提供您的出生日期和您的十位数的安大略大学申请中心参考号数。请注意您的安大略大学申请中心参考号数不是您的安大略大学申请中心以IT开头的用户ID。(本段由留学群(m.liuxuequn.com)翻译,仅供参考!)
Application Choices
You may list up to three University of Toronto program choices on the application.
You may make only one selection within each of the following: Applied Science and Engineering; Arts and Science, St. George campus; International Foundation Program; Kinesiology and Physical Education; Medical Radiation Sciences; Music; University of Toronto Mississauga; University of Toronto Scarborough.
Any alternate faculty or campus choice must be listed on the application to ensure consideration. We will only be able to consider your application if all necessary information (profile forms, etc.) required for the program(s) you have selected is submitted by the specified deadline dates and if space is available. Refer to the Program Information and Additional Requirements section of Next Steps for each division listed on your application. You are responsible for ensuring that all required documents and forms are submitted by the stated deadline(s).
How Your Application Is Considered
Your application will be considered on the basis of your academic record and any additional information requested by the division to which you have applied. Your eligibility for admission will be determined when all required documents have been received.
In considering students for admission and scholarships, the University reserves the right to give preference to students whose grades represent their first attempt.
When Decisions Are Released
Decisions for arts, science and commerce/management programs are made on an ongoing basis. For other divisions, refer to the appropriate Program Information and Additional Requirements section on the side bar menu.
If you accept an offer from another university before we reach a decision, the University of Toronto will continue to consider your application.