My First Day at Tsinghua Subordinate High School
It was on a warm autumn day that my elder brother and I walked into Tsinghua SubordinateHigh School. The strong dry wind was quite different from that in my hometown, which isusually mild.
After registering in the Senior Section, a teacher took me to my dormitory. I put my luggageon the pointed bed, and looked around.
The room was not big but clean, with two tables and three bunk beds. Soon two of myroommates arrived too. They were glad to meet me and told me a lot about the school life therebecause they were already junior students of this school.
We were busy the whole morning talking and arranging things. I got acquainted with my newclassmates very soon.
My brother and I went downtown in the afternoon and walked around. Although I was quiteunwilling to say good-bye to my brother, he had to leave for my hometown in the evening. Atdusk, we went to a restaurant for our supper. Sitting face to face, I suddenly realized I hadgrown up and I had to look after myself and live independently.
When I walked around on campus after dinner, I noticed many students were going to theirclassrooms to study. From then on, I knew my senior high school life had really begun
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