某专业排名高而综合排名低的学校往往在该专业投入大量的资金来保持该专业的领先地位,这样就给读此专业的学生带来了莫大的实惠。这样的好处是不言而喻的,大家都明白,我就不过多费口舌了。当然,如果有综合排名又好,专业排名又好的学校是最好不过的事情了。不过有时候有这样的困惑:两所学校一个是专业强校,综合还可以;另一个是综合强校,专业也不错!就是说两所学校的情况相近。这样的话,就不要在排名上纠缠了,多多考虑一下经济因素.比如学费、生活费 ,环境因素和自己的个人爱好,多多衡量是不难有结果的。
1 Loughborough
2 Birmingham
3 Exeter
4 Glasgow
5 Bangor
6 De Montfort
7 Aberdeen
8 Bath
9 Leeds
10 Brighton
11 Liverpool John Moores
12 Stirling
13 Brunel
14 Strathclyde
=14 Essex
16 Nottingham Trent
17 Manchester
18 Durham
19 Chichester
20 Surrey
21 Newman
22 Ulster
23 Manchester Metropolitan
24 Northumbria
25 Bedfordshire
=25 Portsmouth
27 Edinburgh
28 Aberystwyth
=28 Sheffield Hallam
30 Southampton
31 Swansea
=31 Leeds Metropolitan
33 UWCN, Newport
34 Hertfordshire
35 Robert Gordon
=35 Oxford Brookes
=35 Bournemouth
38 Canterbury Christ Church
39 Central Lancashire
40 Worcester
=40 Hull
42 University of the Arts, London
43 Chester
44 Staffordshire
45 Teesside
46 Queen Margaret Edinburgh
47 Roehampton
48 York St John
49 St Mary's College
=49 UWIC, Cardiff
51 Kent
52 London South Bank
53 Coventry
54 Gloucestershire
55 Glamorgan
=55 Cumbria
57 Westminster
58 East London
59 Kingston
60 Glasgow Caledonian
61 Northampton
62 Abertay
63 Salford
64 Wolverhampton
65 Winchester
=65 Edge Hill
67 Greenwich
68 Lincoln
69 Plymouth
70 Marjon, Plymouth
71 Anglia Ruskin
72 West of Scotland
73 Southampton Solent
74 Huddersfield
75 Buckinghamshire New
76 Heriot-Watt
77 West of England
78 Derby
79 Middlesex
80 Thames Valley
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