据澳大利亚留学网最新了解:澳洲八大名校之一的阿德雷德大学今年的conditional COE政策出台了,基本和去年一样。
1)the Conditional Electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE) Application & Acceptance Form;--CONDI ECOE申请表
2)the “Offer Statement and Acceptance Agreement”;--OFFER接受表(OFFER中)
3)a copy of the personal details page of the applicant’s passport;--护照复印件
4)a deposit of AUD$9,000 and payment of Overseas Student Health Cover for the duration of the program ;--9000澳元定金及OSHC费用 (见OFFER)
5)evidence of fulfilment of all conditions of Offer with the exception of the requirement to provide certified proof of fulfilment of the academic requirements of the Bachelor degree, and a certified copy of the final official transcript. --七个学期成绩和学校出具的完学证明
6)any other documentation requested in the Offer letter.