
2011-02-20 22:26:21 admin 西班牙巴塞罗那自治大学


Area Knowledge areas / Masters / Research lines Contact person Mail
ECONOMICS Interuniversity Masters Programme in Economic History and Doctoral Studies in Economic History Anna Aubanell [email protected] 
GENETICS & MICROBIOLOGY Molecular Microbiology Jordi Barbé [email protected]
CHEMISTRY  "Theoretical study of enzyme catalysis and photobiological processes" Jose M. Lluch [email protected] 
CELLULAR BIOLOGY Cellular Biology Montserrat Garcia [email protected] 
ELECTRONICS RF/microwave Engineering, Microwave and Metamaterials Circuit Design  Ferran Martin [email protected]
BUSINESS/ECONOMICS "International Doctorate in Entrepreneurship and Management: IDEM" Joaquim Vergés [email protected] 
SPANISH STUDIES/LANGUAGE "Spanish Language and Literature" Guillermo Serés [email protected] 
POLITICAL SCIENCE Political Science and Government Unit Joaquim Molins [email protected] 
SURGERY Knowledge of Surgery Xavier Rius [email protected] 
ECONOMICS International Doctorate in Economic Analysis Carmen Beviá [email protected] 
DEMOGRAPHY Doctorate in Demography Hermínia Pujol  [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Salvador Ventura Zamora [email protected] 
TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING/ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Signal Processing for Communications and Navigation Gonzalo Seco [email protected] 
ELECTRONICS Telecommunications Engineering / Electrical Engineering Marc Porti [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Joaquín Ariño [email protected] 
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSLATION Department of Translation Pilar Orero [email protected] 
Mathematical Analysis
Statistics and Operative Investigations
Geometry and Topology
Applied Mathematics
Marcel Nicolau [email protected] 
CATALAN PHILOLOGY Interuniversity Doctorate in Cognitive Science and Language Xavier Vall [email protected] 
CATALAN PHILOLOGY Doctorate in Information and Documentation in the Digital Age Xavier Villalba [email protected]
AUDIOVISUAL COMMUNICATION AND ADVERTISEMENT Research Master in Advertising and Public Relations David Roca [email protected]
b. Urban Planning,
c. Location Theory,
d. Urban Governance,
e. Economic Development,
f. Highland Areas and Local Development,
g. Social Capital and Gender Relationships,
h. Planning Theory,
i. Politics and Economics of Urban Redevelopment,
j. Tourism. 
Antonia Casellas / Montserrat Pallares-Barbera [email protected]
[email protected] 
VETERINARY Veterinary Mycology Group; Animal Health  Javier Cabañes [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Studies in the Structure of Natural Tensioactive Aggregates with Immunoadjuvant Properties. The Effect of the Concentration, Temperature, pH in these aggregates and the structural changes induced by the effect of interaction with heavy ions.  Cilaine Veronica  Teixeira [email protected] 
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Control David Garcia Quintana [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Hormonal Action in Kidney Disease Anna Messeguer [email protected]
VETERINARY 3 possible research lines: Reproductive biology of wild animals; Effect of heat stress on gametes and embryos; Embryo and gamete cryopreservation Manel López Béjar [email protected]
ENGINEERING Systems Engineering and Automatics
Signal Theory and Communications
Romualdo Moreno [email protected] 
ENGINEERING Areas of knowledge will be "Electronics" or "Electronic Technology" Joan Bausells, Emilio Lora-Tamayo, Jaume Esteve [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY (BIOPHYSICS UNIT) "New Ways of Diagnosing Melanoma using Synchrotron Radiation" Manel Sabés [email protected]
VETERINARY Proteomic Applications in Veterinary Science Anna Bassols [email protected]
AUDIOVISUAL COMMUNICATION AND ADVERTISEMENT Research Master in Content in the Digital Age Rosa Franquet [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY The area will be neurosciences and more specifically the mechanisms associated with apoptosis in neurodegeneration. Jose Rodríguez [email protected]
VETERINARY The subject in animal health will be:
Diagnosis and Molecular Characterization of Avian Bronchitis and Avian Bursitis Viruses
Haemophilus Parasuis Pathogenesis and Virulence
PRRS Virus Immunity
Swine Influenza Immunology
Mucosal Immunity against Bacterial Infections
Vaccine Development against African Swine Fever
Vaccine Development against Classical Swine Fever
Pathogenesis of Torque Teno Virus (TTV) in Pigs
Micro-RNA and Control of Viral Infections in Pigs
Mariano Domingo [email protected]
NEUROSCIENCES Dept Psychiatry and Forensic Medicine; Institute of Neurosciences Rosa M. Escorihuela
[email protected] 
ENGINEERING Area of knowledge: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) David Jiménez [email protected]
CHEMISTRY Chemistry Manel del Valle, Manuel Valiente [email protected]
[email protected]
CHEMISTRY Chemistry Roser Pleixats [email protected]
CHEMISTRY Chemistry Lluis Escriche Martínez [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY Plant Biotechnology Carmen Martínez [email protected]
GEOLOGY Line of Research: Structural Geology and Tectonics
Area of knowledge: Internal Geodynamics
Antoni Teixell [email protected]
NEUROSCIENCES Histology Unit. Faculty of Medicine; Dept. Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology Berta González [email protected]
CHEMISTRY Chemistry Adelina Vallribera [email protected]
CHEMISTRY Chemistry Marta Figueredo [email protected] 
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Miguel Chillon [email protected] 
CHEMISTRY Molecular modelling: development and applications on supramolecular systems Carles Jaime [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Carles Arús [email protected]
BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Structure-function relationship in membrane proteins Esteve Padrós [email protected] 
LAW Private International Law Blanca Vilà, Miquel Gardeñes, Rafael Arenas [email protected]
LAW Public International Law Montserrat Pi, Claudia Jiménez, Esther Zapater, Gregorio Garzón [email protected]
LAW Administrative Law (Environment) Isabel Pont, Juan Emilio Nieto [email protected]
LAW Labor Law Albert Pastor, Carolina Gala, Francesc Pérez Amorós, Eduardo Rojo [email protected]
LAW Philosophy of Law Francesca Puigpelat, Pilar Giménez [email protected]
LAW Commercial Law Carles Gorriz [email protected]
LAW History of Law M. Jesús Espuny [email protected]
LAW Criminal Law (Criminology Studies) Josep Cid [email protected]
LAW Constitutional Law Joan Lluís Pérez Francesch [email protected]
LAW Civil Law Susana Navas [email protected]
Rosa Maria Ortuño Mingarro
[email protected] 
EDUCATION Applied Pedagogy Pedro Jurado de los Santos [email protected]
GEOLOGY Paleontology Josep Maria Pons, Esmeralda Caus, Ricardo Martinez [email protected]
GEOLOGY Stratigraphy area (facies and high-resolution sequence stratigraphy analysis)  Eduard Remacha [email protected]
GEOLOGY Mineral Deposits Mercè Corbella [email protected]
ECONOMICS Doctorate DEMO Emili Grifell [email protected]
POLITICAL SCIENCE Master of Public Management Raquel Gallego Calderon [email protected] 
POLITICAL SCIENCE Master Thinking and Governing Complex Societies Eva Anduiza Perea [email protected] 
SOCIOLOGY Interuniversity Master in Youth and Society Joaquim Casal Bataller [email protected] 
SOCIOLOGY Research Master in Applied Sociology Jordi Planas Coll [email protected] 
SOCIOLOGY Master in Participation and Local Policies Vicent Borràs Català; Fausto Miguelez Lobo [email protected]
SOCIOLOGY European Master in Labor and Social Policy Antonio Martín Artiles [email protected] 
EUROPEAN RELATIONS Master in International Relations, Security and Development Laura Feliu Martínez [email protected]
BIOSCIENCE Master of immunology Ester Fernández [email protected] 
ENGINEERING High-Performance Computing Tomàs Margalef  [email protected]


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