What a thought-provoking picture!In the picture ,many people who are taking bowls are rapidly running to the death ,and everyone is urgently hoping to get some water ,but the death seems to be seriously weak because of lacking water(加逗号)too .Undoubtly(拼写错误,改为Undoubtedly) ,we all konw(拼写错误,改为know) the water is very important to humanity ,and the lack of water sources is becoming increasingly serious problem(去掉problem,该句话意思为“水资源的短缺变得越来越严重”) in zhe(拼写错误,改为the) moder(拼写错误,改为modern) society .Indeed ,on the earth ,there exist(改为exists) a lot of water ,including the river ,the sea and the water under the earth ,bue(拼写错误,改为but) there is a phenomenon of water shortage ,why ? On(改为For,注意for one thing为固定用法;不要将其与on one hand弄混淆) one thing ,we can not(改为don’t,仅表示否定,而can not表示“不能”)make use of all water on the earth ,such as the water in the sea .On(改为For) another ,with the developmeng(改为development) of society ,people need more and more water to promote the economy(为什么发展经济需要越来越多的水呢?有什么依据?注意写作中的论据一定要有说服力) ,and the pollution of water is becoming an increasingly serious problem .And above all ,people do not have an awareness of protecting water sources .In order to ease this problem ,various steps have to be adapted(改为adopted,注意区分adopt和adapt,前者为“采取”,后者为“适应”) and both the government and everyong(改为everyone) could not shirk their accountability .Firstly ,the government should make relevang(拼写错误,改为relevant) laws and regulationgs(拼写错误,改为regulations) to protect water .And then ,what shuold(拼写错误,改为should,且should应放在we之后,切记:从句均要用陈述语序) we do is very simple ,(中间应加连词)everyone do not waste water (可将这句话改为what we should do is that everyone cannot waste water, which is very simple).I am firmly convinced that under people'(改为people’s)efforts the problem will be solved and we will have a good future .
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