UNSW近期对 Master of Commerce 和Master of Commerce Extension 两专业进行了review,2013年第一学期起生效,具体信息如:
1. Master of Commerce 专业方向变更,目前开设的专业方向包括:
(1) Banking
(2) Finance
(3) Business Strategy
(4) Economics and Finance
(5) Enterprise Systems and Business Design
(6) International Business
(7) Human Resource Management
(8) Organisation and Management Studies
(9) Marketing
(10) Risk Management.
2. Master of Commerce Extension 在MCom基础上增加4门选修课,可从以下7门课程中选择:
(1) Accounting
(2)Business Law
(3) Finance
(4)Information System
(5) Marketing
(7)General Minor
若持有以上专业的2013年入学offer,且减免了学分,offer仍有效;但若defer到2014年,减免的学分将失效,学生需入读完整的1.5年full time的 Master of Commerce 或2年full-time的Master of Commerce Extension.