The Abbey college Lancaster University
Aston University University of Leeds
University of Bath University of Leicester
Bath Spa university College Leighton Park School
Bellerbys College Hove University of London - Institute of Education
The University of Birmingham Manchester Metropolitan University
Birmingham College of Food and Tourism Middlesex University, London
Birmingham Conservatoire Napier University, Edinburgh
Bosworth Tutorial College University of Newcastle Upon Tyne
Bradford & Ilkley College University of North London
University of Bradford University of Nottingham
University of Brighton The Nottingham Trent University
University of Bristol OISE Intensive Language Schools
Brunel University University of Oxford
University of Cambridge Oxford Brookes University
Cambridge Tutors College University of Paisley
Carlisle College University of Portsmouth
Churchill House School of English Queen Ethelburga’s College
City University Queen Margaret University College
Clarendon College, Nottingham The Robert Gordon University
Concord College The University of Reading
Coventry University The Saint Michael’s College
University of Derby Sibford School
University of Dundee Sidcot School
University of East Anglia SOAS - School of Oriental and African Studies
Eastbourne School of English South Devon College
University of Edinburgh University of Southampton
Edcare College University College London (UCL)
University of Essex UMIST
University of Exeter University of Warwick
University of Glasgow University of the West England, Bristol
University of Hull Uni versity of York
The Inchbald School of Design
The International House Newcastle
University of Kent at Canterbury
King Alfred’s College Winchester
King’s College London
美国教育考试服务中心(以下简称ETS)近日宣布,2013年托福奖学金项目启动,将有46位优秀中国学生获得总额13.8万美元的奖学金,奖金数额比去年增加了66%。该奖学金用于帮助学生进行2013学年在海外的本科或研究生阶段的学习。奖学金申请要在4月30日前在线提交。ETS将在5月通知申请人获奖情况,8 月发放给获得者所就读的院校。奖金只可用于学业开支,且将只在学生抵达校园后支付。
法国大使馆今年再次推出France Excellence奖学金项目,针对赴法就读硕士项目的学生开设,包括每月750欧元的补贴和大学生社会保险。获得者在抵法第一时间即有权享有个性化的接待和租房服务,同时可以参与文化和社交活动。该项奖学金项目由法国驻华大使馆文化教育合作处和科技处设立,旨在协助中国优秀学子实现留学计划。本年度申请于4月5日16时截止。