
2013-05-08 14:44:14 高考重点高考复习方法


  1.I saw aman in black stood behind…


  2.I’m going to held a party.(held→hold)

  3.I think it is nice to do… (去掉is)

  4.We allwish thatwe could receive pre-sents from cards from our parents and friends.

  (We allhope thatwe will receive presentsfrom cards from ourparents and friends.)

  5.You’ll soon find you can build yourbody very strong. (You’llsoon find you canbuild a very strong body.)

  6.Jogging for an hour everyday, and you’ll soon find… (Jogging→Jog everyday→every day)

  7.A outweightB (A outweighs B)

  8.There iswater exists on themoon.(ex-ists→existing exists→that exists 或者There exists water on themoon. Waterexists on themoon.

  9.It is deserved to be done. (is de-served→ deserves)

  10.They can achieve it whatever howhard to… (whatever how→ however)

  11.Comparingwith America,China has alongway to go. (Comparing→ Compared)

  12.Reading books online willmake oureyes be bad. (去掉be)

  13.These merchantsmustn’t be enoughwise. (enough wise→ wise enough)

  14.The too high pricemakesme feel sad.

  (too high price→ price to high)

  15.In order to avoid happing the sameevents again (In order to prevent the sameevents from happening again)

  16.I have gone there many years ago.

  (have gone→ went)

  17.cause thewhole thing become (causethe whole thing to become)

  18.I have watched thismovie formanytimes. (去掉for)

  19.There will be no one who come tothis place.(No one willcome to this place.)

  20.IfChinawants to bemore powerful,it is about to… (IfChina is to be morepowerful, it is going to…)

  21.What to attract more tourists is…

  (What attractsmore tourists is…)

  22.Itwillmake tourists less and less. (Itwill lead to fewer tourists.更好:Itmay re-duce the number of tourists.)

  23.I am hope…(I am hoping…)

  24.make contributions to the society (去掉the)

  25.They didn’t be together. (Theyweren’t together.)

  26.There are somany pleasant things in ourlife,sowe should learn to treasure it.(it→them)

  27.I remember sth. happened yesterday.

  (happened→ that happened)

  28.It’s a serious problem needs solved.(It’s a serious problem needing to be solved.或者 It’s a serious problem that needssolving.)

  29.Globalwarmingmakeswinter so cold,even making people die. (Global warmingmakes winter so cold, or even makespeople die.)

  30.People watch TV can promote com-munication.(That people watch TV can pro-mote communication.或者Watching TV canpromote communication.)

  31.There aremany other reasons can sup-portmy point.(There are many other rea-sons that can supportmy point.There aremany other reasons supportingmy point.)

  32.Tomy opinion (Inmy opinion或Tomymind)

  33.I am sure you will love here.(I amsure that you will love it here.)

  34.It is very necessarymore qualified sci-entists and technicians. (Qualified scientistsand technicians are in great demand.)

  35.Sports like swimming and runningim-prove children’s health.(Like→ such as)

  36.He has only thirty days remain. (Hehas remaining thirty days. 或者 He hasonly thirty years left.)

  37.One isApple, the other is his pre-sentation. (One is Apple, and the other ishis presentation.)

  38.Fashion is a strange thing that it al-ways gives you a different feeling. (去掉that<本句是定语从句>)

  39.I first know Yao Chen… (I got to know)

  40.…not only because her popularTVseries, but for those things she does… (…notonly because of her popular TV series,but [去掉for] those things she does…)

  41.Recently, the reports ofGuizhengtangare being filmed in the television (Recently,there are reports ofGuizhengtang extract-ing bear bile on television.)

  42.They are belonged to nature. (Thebelong to nature.)

  43.Do something can bring happiness topeople ismeaningful.(Do→ Doing)

  44.in the trouble (in trouble)

  45.Thoughwe have to fight for our fu-ture,butwhen you… (去掉but)

  46.They areworth being respected. (Theyareworth respecting.)

  47.They are a lotofpeople live in hunger.


  48.We should do everything thatwe canhelp them.(We should do everything thatwecan to help them.)

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  1.I saw aman in black stood behind…


  2.I’m going to held a party.(held→hold)

  3.I think it is nice to do… (去掉is)

  4.We allwish thatwe could receive pre-sents from cards from our parents and friends.

  (We allhope thatwe will receive presentsfrom cards from ourparents and friends.)

  5.You’ll soon find you can build yourbody very strong. (You’llsoon find you canbuild a very strong body.)

  6.Jogging for an hour everyday, and you’ll soon find… (Jogging→Jog everyday→every day)

  7.A outweightB (A outweighs B)

  8.There iswater exists on themoon.(ex-ists→existing exists→that exists 或者There exists water on themoon. Waterexists on themoon.

  9.It is deserved to be done. (is de-served→ deserves)

  10.They can achieve it whatever howhard to… (whatever how→ however)

  11.Comparingwith America,China has alongway to go. (Comparing→ Compared)

  12.Reading books online willmake oureyes be bad. (去掉be)

  13.These merchantsmustn’t be enoughwise. (enough wise→ wise enough)

  14.The too high pricemakesme feel sad.

  (too high price→ price to high)

  15.In order to avoid happing the sameevents again (In order to prevent the sameevents from happening again)

  16.I have gone there many years ago.

  (have gone→ went)

  17.cause thewhole thing become (causethe whole thing to become)

  18.I have watched thismovie formanytimes. (去掉for)

  19.There will be no one who come tothis place.(No one willcome to this place.)

  20.IfChinawants to bemore powerful,it is about to… (IfChina is to be morepowerful, it is going to…)

  21.What to attract more tourists is…

  (What attractsmore tourists is…)

  22.Itwillmake tourists less and less. (Itwill lead to fewer tourists.更好:Itmay re-duce the number of tourists.)

  23.I am hope…(I am hoping…)

  24.make contributions to the society (去掉the)

  25.They didn’t be together. (Theyweren’t together.)

  26.There are somany pleasant things in ourlife,sowe should learn to treasure it.(it→them)

  27.I remember sth. happened yesterday.

  (happened→ that happened)

  28.It’s a serious problem needs solved.(It’s a serious problem needing to be solved.或者 It’s a serious problem that needssolving.)

  29.Globalwarmingmakeswinter so cold,even making people die. (Global warmingmakes winter so cold, or even makespeople die.)

  30.People watch TV can promote com-munication.(That people watch TV can pro-mote communication.或者Watching TV canpromote communication.)

  31.There aremany other reasons can sup-portmy point.(There are many other rea-sons that can supportmy point.There aremany other reasons supportingmy point.)

  32.Tomy opinion (Inmy opinion或Tomymind)

  33.I am sure you will love here.(I amsure that you will love it here.)

  34.It is very necessarymore qualified sci-entists and technicians. (Qualified scientistsand technicians are in great demand.)

  35.Sports like swimming and runningim-prove children’s health.(Like→ such as)

  36.He has only thirty days remain. (Hehas remaining thirty days. 或者 He hasonly thirty years left.)

  37.One isApple, the other is his pre-sentation. (One is Apple, and the other ishis presentation.)

  38.Fashion is a strange thing that it al-ways gives you a different feeling. (去掉that<本句是定语从句>)

  39.I first know Yao Chen… (I got to know)

  40.…not only because her popularTVseries, but for those things she does… (…notonly because of her popular TV series,but [去掉for] those things she does…)

  41.Recently, the reports ofGuizhengtangare being filmed in the television (Recently,there are reports ofGuizhengtang extract-ing bear bile on television.)

  42.They are belonged to nature. (Thebelong to nature.)

  43.Do something can bring happiness topeople ismeaningful.(Do→ Doing)

  44.in the trouble (in trouble)

  45.Thoughwe have to fight for our fu-ture,butwhen you… (去掉but)

  46.They areworth being respected. (Theyareworth respecting.)

  47.They are a lotofpeople live in hunger.


  48.We should do everything thatwe canhelp them.(We should do everything thatwecan to help them.)

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