
加拿大留学 麦吉尔大学奖学金申请最新信息

麦吉尔大学McGill University(以下简称McGill)始建于1821年,经历了百余年的长足发展后,已经发展成为蜚声全球的综合性大学,在加拿大的大学排名中始终保持前三名之列。下面就让我们一起来看下麦吉尔大学申请奖学金留学。

Entrance Scholarships

Entrance scholarships are awarded to first-time university students entering a full-time undergraduate degree program. Transfer, Mature, Diploma, Exchange, Special, and Visiting students are not eligible for consideration.

Scholarships range in value from $3,000 to $10,000 per annum, both renewable and one-year awards. There are two types of entrance scholarships:

(1)Basic scholarships (one-year awards): for which all eligible applicants are automatically considered and which are awarded competitively solely on the basis of academic achievement.

(2)Major scholarships (renewable): for which a separate application is required soon after submission of the application for admission and which are awarded on the basis of academic achievement and outstanding leadership in school or community activities. Please note that leadership constitutes more than simple participation in extracurricular activities.


Overseas High School: MINIMUM A average (or equivalent) over last two years of full-time study and/or rank in top 1-2% of class

(1)Basic Scholarships Valued at $3,000


