

Чудо-птица 神奇的鸟儿
Птица, неумеющая плавать, летела над необъятным океаном... 一只不会游泳的鸟,飞到了无际的海面上……
Откуда она взялась здесь - этого не знал никто, даже она... Но она хотела Жить, поэтому летела вперёд... Хотя там, где нет ни начала, ни конца, нету понятия: вперёд и назад... Птица была глупая, но искренняя... Она Любила Жизнь... И верила, что летела вперёд... Её полёт вначале был высок... Так высок, что обитателям океана она казалась Звездой... Её небесное сияние достигало самых тёмных водных глубин, и холодные сердца диковинных рыб наполнялись теплом... 谁也不知它如何到了这里,甚至连它自己也不知道……然而它想活着,因此一直向前飞……尽管那里没有起点,没有终点,没有向前或者向后的启示……这只鸟很傻,但却真挚……它热爱生命……并且坚信,它一直在朝向前方……它的飞行起初很高……如此之高,以至海洋的居民们以为它是颗星……它那天上的光辉照到了最黑暗的水的深处……而那些希奇的鱼儿们的冰冷的心也因此充满了温暖……
Её все Любили, но никто, совсем никто не понимал... Её полёт был слишком долгим, и однажды она устала быть Звездой... Её крылья устали быть сияющими лучами... Её сердце устало быть горячим и бьющимся сильно... Но этого никто не знал... 谁都喜欢它,但谁也不明白……它已经飞了很久,并且有一次它疲倦了做一颗星……它的翅膀疲倦了成为明亮的光束……它的心已经非常疲倦,不再滚烫,不再奋发……然而对此谁都不知道……
Птица была глупая, но она ещё была живая... А неумолимое время стало приближать к ней громадные волны, которые когда-то казались ей с её высоты лёгкой рябью... И птица начала понимать, что смерть н...


韩语精选阅读 短文阅读

短文 韩语

1. 격렬한 화약 같은 말


다음과 같은 말이 있습니다. "당신은 늘 그래!" "똑바로 좀 들어!" "이제는 당신 좀 변해!" 이런 식으로 불 같이 말해서 문제를 확대시킵니다.


자신의 말이 어떤 문제를 일으키는 줄을 항상 본인이 알면서도 그 말을 멈추지 않습니다. 이런 말을 자주하는 사람과는 대화를 하고 싶지 않게 됩니다. 문국한국.


2. 침묵


침묵은 의심, 혼동, 추측, 경멸, 무관심, 냉정함을 상대방에게 ...


韩语精选阅读 短文阅读

短文 韩语

1. 격렬한 화약 같은 말


다음과 같은 말이 있습니다. "당신은 늘 그래!" "똑바로 좀 들어!" "이제는 당신 좀 변해!" 이런 식으로 불 같이 말해서 문제를 확대시킵니다.


자신의 말이 어떤 문제를 일으키는 줄을 항상 본인이 알면서도 그 말을 멈추지 않습니다. 이런 말을 자주하는 사람과는 대화를 하고 싶지 않게 됩니다. 문국한국.


2. 침묵


침묵은 의심, 혼동, 추측, 경멸, 무관심, 냉정함을 상대방에게 ...

新GRE阅读短文 8


  For many years, Benjamin Quarles' seminal account of the participation of African Americans in the American Revolution has remained the standard work in the field. According to Quarles, the outcome of this conflict was mixed for African American slaves who enlisted in Britain's fight against its rebellious American colonies in return for the promise of freedom: the British treacherously resold many into slavery in the West Indies, while others obtained freedom in Canada and Africa. Building on Quarles' analysis of the latter group, Sylvia Frey studied the former slaves who emigrated to British colonies in Canada. According to Frey, these refugees-the most successful of the African American Revolutionary War participants-viewed themselves as the ideological heirs of the American Revolution. Frey sees this inheritances reflected in their demands for the same rights that the American revolutionaries had demanded from the British: land ownership, limits to arbitrary authority and burdensome taxes, and freedom of religion.

  According to the passage, which of the following is true about the African American Revolutionary War participants who settled in Canada after the American Revolution?

  (A) Although they were politically unaligned with either side, they identified more with British ideology than with American ideology.

  (B) While they were not immediately betrayed by the British, th...



  1 Factory workers in Beltania are guaranteed lifetime jobs, bonuses paid on the

  basis of productivity and corporate profits, and a wage rate that is not attached

  to a particular job. Paradoxically, these guarantees do not discourage factory

  owners from introducing labor-saving machinery. Such innovations are to the

  factory owners‘ advantage despite the fact that the owners must protect the

  wages of their workers.

  A Which of the following, if true, most helps to explain why the introduction of labor-

  saving machinery is advantageous to factory owners?

  B Before a Beltanian factory worker is hired, he or she must present a record

  of his or her previous productivity.

  C Labor-saving machinery increases productivity, thus yielding profits that

  more than cover the cost of retraining workers for other jobs.

  D The purchase and maintenance of new machinery adds significantly to the

  final cost of the goods produced.

  E Factory workers demand a change of procedure in the routine tasks they perform.

  Limited competition exists among Beltanian factories for consumer markets.



新GRE阅读短文 7


  For 20 years all applicants for jobs as technicians at EquipCorp were required to demonstrate that they could operate and repair the machinery that was central to EquipCorp's manufacturing business. Now, however, that particular machinery is obsolete, and very different machinery fills the central role. Therefore, the old requirement is no longer a useful method for evaluating whether applicants for jobs as technicians at EquipCorp have the skills necessary for the job.

  Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

  (A) The machinery that is now obsolete was used by a large number of manufacturing companies before it became obsolete.

  (B) Among the people already holding jobs as tech-nicians at Equip Corp, those who are most skillful at operating the new machinery had been some of the least skillful at operating the old machinery

  (C) Most people applying for jobs as technicians today have much broader skills than did people applying for jobs as technicians 20 years ago.

  (D) The skills required to operate and repair the obsolete machinery are useful in operating and maintaining many other types of machinery at EquipCorp that are not obsolete.

  (E) Much of the machinery that EquipCorp now uses in manufacturing is very likely to become obsolete within the next 20 years.



新GRE阅读短文 2


  One of the truisms of the advertising industry is that it is rarely necessary to say something of substance in an advertisement in order to boost sales. Instead, one only needs to attract the potential customer's attention; memory does the rest, for it is more important for sales that people know of a product than that they know something about it.

  Which of the following is assumed by the argument?

  People can remember a product without having much information about it.

  Advertisements, in their own way, function to improve people's memories.

  Attracting a potential customer's attention is a simple matter.

  The advertising industry knows little of substance about the products it promotes.

  Advertisements seldom tell the truth about a product.



新GRE阅读短文 4


  The bodies of dwarf individuals of mammalian species are generally smaller in relation to those of nondwarf individuals than are the teeth of the dwarf individuals in relation to those of the nondwarf indi-viduals. Fragmentary skeletal remains of an adult dwarf woolly mammoth were recently found. The teeth are three-fourths the size of the teeth of an average adult nondwarf woolly mammoth.

  The statements above, if true, most strongly support which of the following?

  (A)The body of the dwarf woolly mammoth was less than three-fourths the size of the body of an average adult nondwarf woolly mammoth.

  (B)None of the teeth of the dwarf woolly mammoth that were recently discovered was as large as any of the teeth of nondwarf woolly mammoths that have been discovered.

  (C)The teeth of most adult dwarf individuals of mammalian species are three- fourths the size of the teeth of the adult nondwarf individuals of the same species.

  (D)Dwarf woolly mammoths had the same number of teeth as did nondwarf woolly mammoths.

  (E)Dwarf individuals of most mammalian species are generally no more than three-fourths the size of the adult nondwarf individuals of those species.


