

高考英语 高考英语听说考试 高考英语听说考试句型



  1. 一般疑问句

  结构: be/助动词/情态动词+主语+其他成分?

  花那么多时间在电脑游戏方面有必要吗? Is it necessary to spend so much time on computer games?

  你打算参加即将到来的运动会吗? Are you going to take part in the coming sports meeting?

  一个人的爱好和性格之间有什么关系吗? Is there any relationship between one’s hobby and his character?

  住学校宿舍是否较便宜? Is it cheaper to live in a university dormitory than in a private house?

  你想来点奶酪吗? Would/Do you like some cheese?

  网上购物将会取代传统的购物方式吗? Will online shopping take the place of the traditional shopping?

  你是否拿了我放在桌面的钥匙? Did you take the key which put on the table by me?

  你是否知道这里禁止吸烟? Do you know that smoking is forbidden here?

  你还没有完成老师布置的作业? Haven’t you finished the homework assigned by the teacher ?

  2. 特殊疑问句


  1)what & which

  今天星期几? What day is today?

  今天几号? What is the date today?

  今天天气如何? What is the weather like today?

  他们下一步打算做什么? What are they going to do next?

  David 加入了哪一组? Which group did David take part in?

  你打算到哪个大学学习? Which university are you going to study in?

  吸烟对我们有什么影响? What effect does smoking have on us?

  当我们学习英语时,应该注意什么? What should we pay attention to when we learn English?

  为了保持健康我们应该有什么样的饮食? What kind of diet should we have to keep healthy?

  这个男孩的妈妈年轻时喜欢干什么? What did ...

