

英语日记带翻译 高中英语日记带翻译 高中英语日记




  One Sunday my mother had me take my little young brother to the a trip to the country. She bade me take good care of him.


  While we were walking along the road, the sun was shining brightly and the breeze was blowing gently. We saw the beautiful flowers smile at us and heard the birds sing their sweet songs on the trees. The scenery was indeed very pretty we felt tired, we returned home. We saw Mother wait for us at the door.



  Yesterday my classmates and I went to on a picnic. According to our plan we would climb the West Mountain.


  Early in the morning all of us gathered at the gate of our school, we started of at seven, soon it began to have a little rain. We kept on riding for an hour till we reached the foot of the mountain.


  The little rain stopped then. We began to climb. Soon we reached the top of the mountain. How beautiful it was when we looked at the view from the top. We ran. sang, jump,


  played chess, and had the pictures taken on the top of the...



五一 日记 高中高二 350字
作文标题: 五一高中英语日记
关 键 词: 五一 日记 高中高二 350字
字 数: 350字作文
本文适合: 高中高二
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxuequn.com



Today is really a sunny day,I have been planing to make an excursion in the afternoon since yesterday evening. Hiking are too tiresome,so my sister said,she want to take us to Zhuhai City,that precise place maybe called Central Valley. Furthermore,we talked about tonight's movie, we will see the movie 'spiderman',a very famous American thriller in Hollywood. Moreover,i will take my girlfriend to buy some bait for the holidays' fishing day, i remember it should be on 3rd Or 4th,May. i am so sorry to tell you ,i could not tell what i have promised to my friends in the labours' day, i am really a forgettable guy,maybe two more three days later, some of my friends will visit me Or they will give me a buzz for a badminton game. For memorizing all the happy hour, i write this article for a happy note for today, 1st,May. Send all my best wishes to my friends. Sincerely yours!...



如何 日记 高中高二 1000字
作文标题: 如何写高中英语日记
关 键 词: 如何 日记 高中高二 1000字
字    数: 1000字作文
本文适合: 高中高二
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxuequn.com



  一、日记的格式  英文日记通常由书端和正文两个部分组成。日记常以第一人称记下当天生活中的所见、所闻、所做或所想的事情。中、英文的日记三格式大致一样。英语日记的书端是专门写日记的日期、星期和天气的。左上角是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角写上当天的天气情况,如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Windy, Snowy, Cloudy等。1、日期表达有多种形式。年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,日和年用逗号隔开。例如: December 18, 2003 或者 Dec. 18, 2003   A) September 1, 2004或September 1st, 2004也可省略写成Sept. 1, 2004或Sept. 1st, 2004;B)the 1st of September in 2004(月份不可以缩写)   B)只有月、日  September 1或September 1st(月份可以缩写)   C)只有年、月  September 2004或the September of 2004(月份不可以缩写)   以上的1或1st都应读作the first。
  Saturday, October 22nd, 2004;October 22nd, 2004 Saturday   3.天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如 :Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy 等表示。写在日期之后,用逗号隔开,位于日记的右上角。如:  Saturday, March 4, 2004, Windy;1st January, 2004, Fine   二、日记的要求 cooyu.net  日记的正文是日记的主要部分,写在星期和日期的正下方,可以顶格写,也可以内缩3至5个字母的空间。由于记载的内容通常已经发生,谓语动词多用一般过去时。但也可根据具体情况,用其它时态。如:记叙天气、描写景色,为了描写生动,可以使用现在时,以表现当时的情景。再如文后发表感想或评论可用现在时态或将来时态。记日记力求简单明了,有连贯性。若有文字提示,则应重视提示,把握要点。在句式上尽量使用简单句,以防繁杂,造成语法、句型错误。
  三、日记的类型和训练  日记分为记事型、议论型、描写型和抒情型。建议大家在学习写日记的过程中,可按以下步骤进行:①将一天所经历的主要事情和过程依次简要地记下来,不附加任何感情色彩,这是最简单的记日记...



日记 高中高二 2300字
作文标题: 高中英语日记几篇
关 键 词: 日记 高中高二 2300字
字 数: 2300字作文
本文适合: 高中高二
作文来源: https://Zw.liuxuequn.com



July 10th 2004 Sat. Fine The plane finally touched the ground. It was around 5:00 p.m. local time, that is, London time, which is eight hours behind Beijing time. After a fuss at the luggage claim, we mixed into the crowd of people with different colors and styles. My eyeballs kept jumping from one alien to another. What a sight! Then we were met by someone from the university, who, we later learned, is called Barbara, our course director. It was about an hour’s bus ride before we finally reached Brighton, where we were picked up by different English host families. My host family is a couple with a five-year-old daughter. On the way to their home, the hostess said that we (Xu Huishang and I) were lucky because they had just moved to the new house. We each have a separate room. The bathroom is OK. What we had for dinner was something like pizza and some vegetables. It was only after the shower that I realized I had been up for almost 24 hours. It was the longest day I had ever had. I will have to get over the jet lag. July 13th 2004 Fine In order to save money, Xu Huishang and I decided to walk to the university, but we never expected th...

