Notes for 2017-2018 Fee Assessment
The Board of Governors has approved an increase to tuition fees for all programs and to ancillary fee for the 2017-2018 academic year - new fee rates have been posted.
U-Pass fee: Full Time students will be assessed a U-Pass (Universal Transit Pass) fee. The rate for 2017-2018 is $132.50 per Term (Fall & Winter).
Residence Fees: Effective for the 2017-2018 academic year, all residence charges will appear on your Aurora fee assessment. Residence fee deadlines will be noted and may be separate from tuition fee deadlines.
The Faculty of Health Sciences has introduced a Laboratory Fee of $150 to be assessed to all students registered in HEAL 4640, Mechanisms of Disease 3 (6 credit hours). This fee will be effective Fall 2016.
马尼托巴大学2017-2018 学年度费用评估说明
理事会已经批准,在2017-2018 学年度增加所有课程的学费和辅助费用——新的费率已公布。
大学乘车证:全日制学生要交乘车证费用。2017-2018 学年度的乘车证费用每学期(秋季学期和冬季学期)为132.50 加元。
住宿费用:2017-2018 学年度的所有住宿费用将出现在你的Aurora费用评估中。住宿费用交付的截止时间在未来公布,可能会和学费的截止时间分开。
实验费用:健康科学院已经推出了150加元的实验费用。实验费用对所有注册HEAL 4640和病发机制3(6个学分)的学生适用。该费用从2016年秋季学期开始生效。
通过上面的介绍可以看出,马尼托巴大学有严格的收费标准。那么,马尼托巴大学2017-2018 学年度的研究生费用需要多少呢?请看留学群下面的介绍。
Full-Time Masters Programs
2017-2018 Tuition Fees for Full-Time Masters Students
(Except programs noted further below)