Hanyang University was established in 1939 by Lyun-Joon Kim, who desired greatly for the advancement of the country through technology education. In 1948, it was the first private university that actually developed by the engineering department and in 1959, it expanded into different ranges. In addition, in 1979, Hanyang University built their second campus in Ansan, Gyeonggi-do, one of the biggest industrial complexes in our country. As of 2011, Hanyang University has 2 campuses with students in all from both college and graduate school. It is also operating a hospital that has a large scale of having approximately 1,400 sickbeds. This all shows how big the university is and what kind of important role it play in our country. After Hanyang University was established, for 72 years, it has been concentrating its effort in the education theory of fostering talented students by following the idea of trying to become a university that can be of help to the society through practical method of study. As a result, between the 70s and the 80s, Hanyang University was acknowledged for discharging excellent students who have contributed to the country's phenomenal change in both the industrial area and modern age.