

美国留学费用 韦恩州立大学 韦恩州立大学费用


  The cost of attendance (budget) amounts are estimated averages of costs for an academic year. The purpose of the budget is the determination of financial aid eligibility.

  The cost of attendance is not a bill. It is an estimate of tuition, fees, books and supplies, living expenses, transportation costs and modest personal expenditures. Actual tuition and fee rates are published on the WSU Registrar website.

  Your actual costs will depend upon your choices of housing and your other expenses. We encourage you to develop a personal budget for the year based on your own actual costs.

  Enrollment status

  Near the beginning of the semester, OSFA will include actual (instead of estimated) WSU charges for tuition and fees in your COA to determine your aid eligibility. If you are living on campus, your actual residence hall and meal plan charges will become the living allowance component of your COA.

