The following scholarships are available to self-supported students. Awards are made on the basis of scholastic achievement, character and other factors.
Please consult the administrative staff at your faculty's overseas students office for further information.
(1) Japanese Government Grants for International Students
・ Who May Apply
Self-supported postgraduate students (including those applying for M.A. or Ph.D. courses who graduated from a university or completed an M.A.) who are under the age of 35.
・ Application will commence in October.
・ Monthly Allowance
A: Graduate students(master level)…¥154,000
B: Graduate students(doctor level)…¥155,000
・ Duration of Scholarship…until completion
(1) 提供给国际学生的日本政府奖学金
・ 谁可以申请:35岁以下的自费研究生学生(包括大学毕业或者完成文学硕士学习,申请文学硕士或者博士课程的学生)。
・ 申请将会在10月份开始。
・ 每月津贴
A: 研究生学生(硕士水平)…¥154,000
B: 研究生学生(博士水平)…¥155,000
・ 奖学金有效期限…直到完成学业
(2) Study Incentive Award for International Students Honors scholarships
・ Who May Apply
A: Self-supported undergraduate studen...