例词:also, apart from, besides, moreover, furthermore
例句:The Victorian style of heavily ornamented interiors prevailed in middle-class homes in England and the United States during the latter half of the 19th century. Moreover, in both countries, techniques of mass production promoted the use of reproductions in many different styles.
例词:but, however, though, although, yet, nevertheless, on the other hand
例句:Education is the passport to modern life, and a pre-condition of national prosperity. But more than a quarter of the world's adults cannot read or write, and more than 100 million young children are deprived of even a primary school education.
例词:like, as, likewise, similar to, in the same way
例句:Like other ways of generating electricity, wind power does not leave the environment entirely unharmed.
例词:now, later, before, after, since, when, first, second, next, at last, eventually, finally
例句:As the volunteers began to fall asleep, the electrodes detected the slow rolling eye movements which could be seen easily through their eyelids. Soon af...