Task 1:给一个depart store写信应聘工作,说明你为什么写这封信,你的资历,应聘什么职位。 Write a letter to apply a position in a local department store; include: What position? Your experience and related ability? Task 2:在21世纪奥林匹克运动存在没有意义,2004年以后应该停止举行奥林匹克运动会。Task2 题目有点怪。有人说OYLMPIC GAME 不再有什么地位,2004年将是最后一次,同意与否。 Someone think that olympic games will not play a role in 21st century, and think the 2004 game should be the last one. Agree or disagree? Task 3 You took your family had a good meal in a local restaurant. Write a letter to the newsper to tell about it, describ the meal you had, and why you think the restaurant is worth for other people to visit. Task 4 Choose an invertion, telephone or computer, and tell how it has changed our life. Are the changes all possitive or negative? 并提出例子或你的经历来说明. Task 5 因为没能去旅游所以索要旅行保险。explain类型
Task 6 中学生17岁前应该先学尽量多的general subjects然后再学习special subject。agree or disagree? 写作一个是抱怨住得附近你家对面有一个小公园有年轻人老让自己得狗随便跑,危险,向council投诉。 You live in a house opposite to a small park. Every evening a young man bring 2 large dogs and let them free. Write a letter to the city council and describe the situation, tell them it is dangerous and reason. Then tell them what action should be done. 第二个是说青年如何选择自己得职业,应该听谁的意见,从那里寻找信息?谈谈你的看法、 how to decide future career what is the important young people choose career, whose opinion and what kind of information do you think important?