题目:As most people spend a major part of their adult life at work, job satisfaction is an important element of individual well-being. What factors contribute to job satisfaction?How realistic is the expectation of job satisfaction for all workers?
题干分析:本题是相对抽象的社会生活类话题,对于中学生以及没有上过班的大学生同学们有一定话题上的陌生感。但是即使是上班的“同志们”就一定觉得题目容易展开吗?是的,中国人的答案在面对这个题目的时候是惊人的相似,可以预见,大家的答案往往是:money, power, promotion。这些对于工作满意度的factors的回答本身是没有问题的,但是难点在于不要忽视了去解释和补充我们“为什么把这些元素”看的比较重的原因。回答的内容本身并不重要,但重要的是如何解释清楚。
Nowadays many adults (直接用adults 是细化思维的体现,不要只是写people,使句子更贴话题) have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spent doing such jobs is very high. (首句不要写太长的背景,要从第一句话就开始描述这个话题,而不是“with the development of society and economy , there is a hotly-debated topic about whether or not …这样的套话,是注定让你丢分的,接下来将变成一个考官验证5分或者5.5分的过程。那为什么不能写模板呢?这样的句子本身的质量不是很好?威廉老师告诉你,是因为背景写的太大,紧接着就跳入非常具体的话题,这样严重破坏了作文的CC(连贯性)这一评分标准)。 So feelings about one’s job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as a whole, and because of this, job satisfaction is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person. (顺接的很自然)高手应该做到让段落的内容的话题的范文不要太宽,要尽量克制写很多内容的冲动。你有没有发现,当你从第一句就开始写这个话题,从写成年人的工作对于成年人很重要的前提下,自然就过渡到了“工作满意度“的话题,因为话题窄,所以很容易构成有逻辑)。
Employees get job satisfaction in a number of ways.(罗列式中心句,就表明接下来会有几个具体的方面需要具体展开) Firstly, a person needs to feel that they are doing valued and valuable wo...