雅思作文想要获得高分,一方面要有词汇的积累,另一方面也是有一定的技巧和规律的。留学群雅思栏目为大家带来“雅思小作文提分建议 ”,希望大家能有所收获!
1 Don't copy the question for your introduction. You should paraphrase the question (i.e. rewrite it using some different words).
2 Don't forget to separate your paragraphs clearly.
3 Don't forget to write a good summary/overview of the information. A quick one-sentence conclusion is not good enough. I prefer to put the overview straight after the introduction, and I try to write 2 sentences describing the information in general. You won't get a high score if you don't write a good overview.
4 Don't describe items separately . You should always try to compare things if it is possible to do so. Instead of describing 2 lines separately, compare the 2 lines at key points.
5 Don't try to describe every number on a chart or graph (unless there are only a few numbers). A key skill in task 1 is being able to choose the key information and describe or compare it well. I usually mention around 6 or 7 numbers in my main paragraphs.
不要用图表或图形来描述每一个数字(除非只有几个数字)。在task 1中,有一个关键的技巧就是,选择关键的信息,并很好地去描述它或者进行对比。我通常都会...