

雅思考试 雅思预测 雅思考试预测



  1. Do you like your name?

  2. Does your name have any special meaning?

  3. What kinds of names are popular in China?

  4. Are there many Chinese people who have the same name as you?

  5. Is there any tradition about naming babies?

  雅思口语基础话题 Work or study

  1. Why did you choose to study that subject?

  2. Is it interesting?

  3. What subjects are you studying?

  4. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

  5. Are you looking forward to working?

  6. Do you like your subject?

  7. What work do you do?

  8. Why did you choose to do that type of work?

  9. Do you miss being a student?

  10. Do you like your job?

  雅思口语基础话题 Home (Your Accommodation)

  1. Can you describe the place where you live?

  2. How long have you lived there?

  3. Who do you live with?

  4. Do you plan to live there for a long time?

  5. What is the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past?

  6. Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

  7. In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?

  8. What kind of neighborhood/environment/surroundings/home would you like to live in?

  9. What d...



雅思口语考试话题分析 雅思机经 雅思考试


  回忆1 北京语言大学 room08

  part1: name house

  part2: 描述一个游泳池

  part3: 户外运动比过去多了吗?科技会影响小孩去外面活动吗?支持哪个球队?还是某个队员

  回忆2 首都经济贸易大学IELTS考试中心 room10

  part1: live in apartment or house ,celebrities

  part2: 一个busy time

  part3: young children 压力大吗?他们如何释放压力,工作多会对人有什么影响

  回忆3 广州雅思考试中心(仲恺农业工程学院主考场) room502

  part1: work or study ,mirror ,dream

  part2: good service

  part3: 服务相关延展,不好的服务对顾客有什么影响,在中国服务好还是不好

  回忆4 江苏师范大学 roomA605

  part1: 工作学习,家庭

  part2: 广告

  part3: 广告利弊,在哪里看到的广告,广告对孩子影响

  回忆5 浙江教育考试服务中心(杭州) room203

  part1: where you live ,is it interesting ?why ,what do you do ,what do you take

  part2: wait for someting special to happen

  part3: 哪些情况需要耐心,现在的人比过去耐心吗,为什么,成年人和孩子谁更有耐心,怎样教会孩子耐心。

  回忆6 湖南大众传媒学院(南院) room09

  part1: home ,TV program ,未来想住在hometown吗?

  part2: 外国食物

  part3: 国外食物相关

  回忆7 华东师范大学 room304

  part1: house or flat color, handwriting

  part2: 家用设备

  part3: other equipment at home ,the purpose and is it successful ,equipment at business ,unemployment ,will robert capable for everything come soon.

  回忆8 云南财经大学 room04

  part1: describe the city you live in ,shoes

  part2: a well-paid job you will be good at

  part3: motivation of working

  回忆9 ...



雅思口语话题分析 雅思机经 雅思考试


  回忆1 深圳赛格人才培训中心 roomVIP03 金发白人女考官 有耐心引导 会追问

  part1:学习 shoes


  part3:为什么要尝试新事物 好处 在尝试新事物是什么是有帮助的 为什么人们怕尝试新事物

  回忆2 深圳赛格人才培训中心 room02 亚裔 微笑

  part1:live hometown teacher


  part3:comedy 问了很多不同的comedy

  回忆3 西交利物浦大学 room40e 白人 男 很严肃

  part1:自我介绍 喜欢机器人吗 有没有看过机器人的电影 会乐器吗 觉得音乐重要吗 孩子有必要学音乐吗


  part3:什么时候必须用手机 什么时候没必要用手机 有人大声打电话你会怎么做 你像那人抱怨过后他又会怎么做

  回忆4 西交利物浦大学 roomG36E 白人 和蔼 喜欢玩头发 语速稍快

  part1:住房子还是公寓 读书 从窗外可以看到什么

  part2:电器 描述一下 谁经常用这个电器 还有谁也会用

  part3:machine robot 当robot失控你会怕吗 machine会造成失业吗

  回忆5 东南大学 room325 印度女考官 表情略严肃

  part1:hometown, dream, robot



  回忆6 东南大学 room324 一个老先生 白人 严肃 人感觉好

  part1:学习还是工作 专业 famous people in the Chinese

  part2:imagination 忘了单词

  part3:你觉得人们需要想象力吗 为什么 你先觉得孩子需要游戏吗

  回忆7 宁波大学 room523 亚裔女 会回应 爱追问

  part1:为什么选这个专业 喜欢手写还是打字 电脑对人好还是坏 喜欢中国名人谁 见过吗 想当名人吗


  part3:学科对生活有影响吗 音乐家对孩子有影响吗

  回忆8 宁波大学 room519 白人 语速快 比较友好

  part1:full name, indoor game , 工作还是学习

  part2:a plan that not related to your study or work

  part3:career 父母干涉孩子的职业

  回忆9 东南大学(九龙湖校区) room409 白人 有络腮胡 人还不错

  part1:喜欢巧克力吗 小时候爱吃吗 为啥爱吃 你觉得中国人爱吃巧克力吗




雅思口语考试 雅思口语技巧 雅思口语



  纵览卡片题,一个共同的关键词,即Describe, 如Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you(人物题),Describe an object you use everyday(物品题)...




  以a washing machine为例,我们能想到的内容可能是颜色,Its color is white. 大小,It‘s one meter high. 别的似乎没什么可讲的了。

  这个时候就可以增加议论或评价。对于颜色,可以添加的内容是The reason why I chose this color is that it matches well with my bathroom and besides, white has always been my favorite color. It’s clean. You know.

  而对于大小,也可评价一番It is actually the smallest size at that time. I put it in the corner, and it takes only a little space



  很多同学没话说,特别是抽象话题,如Describe a success.总觉得success肯定是像选美国总统一样的事迹,对照自己似乎找不到素材。

  其实如果把success具体化,看作是successfully did sth,构思就会容易许多。可以讲成功地网上交友、购物,与网络话题结合,可以讲成功地交到一个知心益友,与朋友话题相结合。

  又如part 3中的一些抽象问题,如How has technology changed people‘s life? 如果单从较高层面总的去概括科技如何改变生活会觉得语言内容上频频受限,而换个角度,如果把change具体化,举自己的家庭为例,讲起来就顺口多了。

  Well, technology did change our life a lot. Take my family as an example, ten years ago, we used electric fan in hot summer but now the air-con...



雅思口语 雅思口语话题 雅思口语技巧


  Version 01 Old person

  describe an old man influenced you

  1.who was he

  2.when did you know him

  3.what he did

  and explain why he influeced you

  Version 02 City

  1. where it is located?

  2. what special for you?

  3. why you want to stay there?

  part 3

  1.please compare 100 hundred years old city and modern city and what predict about the city in the future.

  Version 03 Room


  1.what's your favorite room in your home

  2.what it likes you live

  3.what you do in the room normally

  and explain why you like it

  Version 04 Famous person

  part 2

  describe a well-known person in history who you would like to meet

  1.who this person was

  2.what he did

  3.what was special about him or her

  and explain why you would like to meet him or her

  Version 05 Photograph





  Version 06 Cloth




  Version 07 Furniture

  Version 08 Holiday

  1.when was it

  2.who went with you

  3.where was it

  and explain why you like bes...



雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思口语考试话题参考:Restaurant


  1) talk about your favorite restaurant.

  2) why do you like it?

  Sichuan dish features pungent , spicy and salty flavors and tend to go well with rice. Sichuan Restaurant is the largest restaurant in Anyang City. The restaurant is a beautiful , clean and it's price is cheap. My wife and I often have dinner in the restaurant on the weekend. Stir--Fried Shredded Beef is one of the restaurant's best dishes. It's made of fresh tenderloin and celery . Condiments include vinegar, rice wine and ginger etc. When finished cooking , the beef is red and the vegetables are reen. The dish is very delicious.

  extension of the card topic

  1) What is the general ideas about fast food among Chinese people?

  Although fast food has little nutritional value , but it is a blessing for busy people .Few people eat fast food all the time-- usually for breakfast and/or lunch--so they can help to balance their diet by eating a sensible evening meal. And I like to eat fast food.

  2) what do you think about science in food processing(production)?

  Scientific processing(production) is important. Because it can keep us healthy.

  3) what is your opinion on food production and the world's population.

  At present, it's difficult to provide enough food for world's population. So, on the on...



雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思口语考试话题参考:Learn


  What do you plan to learn in the future?

  Why do you want to learn it?

  Where and how will you learn it?

  I plan to learn computer science in the future. I am very interested in it. There are too many things that I don't know about computers. Also, computers play an important role in our life and are of great use in every field. I think the whole society will be computerized soon. I need more knowledge in this field to meet the great demands of the application of computers. If things go well , I 'd like to further my study in computer science and I want to work on my Master's degree in Canada.

  1)What's the most important skill nowadays?

  I think it is computer. Because computers play an important role in our life and are of great use in every field.

  2)Are there any traditional skill in your country? what are they?

  Yes, such as sewing and weave cloth. I remembered that my grandmother used to sew clothes herself. But now, few people can do it.

  3)Do you think it necessary to learn these skills?

  No, I just don't like to spend much time on sewing. Because we can buy all kinds of clothes in shop.

  4)Is there any difference between your parents' study and nowadays children?

  In the past, when our parents studied in school, educational conditions...


雅思口语考试话题参考:a teacher

雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思口语考试话题参考:a teacher

  在雅思考试的四大模板中口语考试是最有难度的,你是否已经准备好了和考试官的面对面交谈,雅思口语考试中的话题涉及工作学习生活各个领域,下面由留学群雅思频道为您提供雅思口语考试话题参考:a teacher,供您参阅学习,欢迎您访问留学群浏览更多资讯。

  Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.

  You should say:

  where you met them

  what subject they taught

  what was special about them

  and explain why this person influenced you so much.

  I think my first English teacher has greatly influenced me in my education. I had some trouble in studying English when I studied in middle school. I felt English was very difficult,so I did't like to study it .One day, my English teacher spoke to me about the study of foreign languages . He said :" You must do a lotof reading , listening and speaking . Never mind, keep on trying, I believe you are a good student." In the years that followed , I studied hard and made greater progress. My English teacher loved his job and he was knowledgeable in his field. I love and respect him.

  1) compare the differences between education in ur city with them in 20

  years ago? In the past, many children can't go to school, and educational conditions were very poor. But now, government provide 9 years compulsory education. Each child who is 7 years old must go to school. And government provide much better facilities and staff. Also, schoolyards are beautiful than before.

  2) compare the differences between university and middle school?

  We study basic k...



雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思口语考试话题参考:reading

  在雅思考试的四大模板中口语考试是最有难度的,你是否已经准备好了和考试官的面对面交谈,雅思口语考试中的话题涉及工作学习生活各个领域,下面由留学群雅思频道为您提供雅思口语考试话题参考:reading ,供您参阅学习,欢迎您访问留学群浏览更多资讯。

  Do you often read newspapers? What's is your reading everyday?( how frequent do you read? what do you like to read the best , I read newspapers everyday, such as Workers Daily, Henan Daily. I enjoy reading.

  It is so interesting to see how other people live and it is really an amazing way to learn about different cultures. In addition, reading can do good to us very much. It can elicit the imagination of us . I also like to read the China Today and China Daily. Both of these magazines are in English , and it is a good way for me to improve my English.

  1) Do you like to discuss with others when you read books ?

  Yes, I do . Because it is easy to understand the difficulty of books.

  2) How long do you read ?

  Usually, I read books or newspapers for 1 hour before I go to bed.

  3) where do you like to read ?

  In the library, because there are all kinds of books which I can read.



  雅思口语考试话题参考:natural scenery



雅思口语考试话题参考:person similar to you

雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思口语考试话题参考:person similar to you

  在雅思考试的四大模板中口语考试是最有难度的,你是否已经准备好了和考试官的面对面交谈,雅思口语考试中的话题涉及工作学习生活各个领域,下面由留学群雅思频道为您提供雅思口语考试话题参考:person similar to you ,供您参阅学习,欢迎您访问留学群浏览更多资讯。

  Think of a person in your family that is the most similar to you.

  Who is this person?

  How is he/she similar to you?

  What kind of family is yours? Is it of a typical family structure in China?

  My family is a typical family in China. There are grandparents, parents, a brother, my wife and I in my family.I look just like my father. Medium build ,pointed nose and dense black hair. My father is very kind and easy going. His love is the most selfless love. I am luck enough because I have a good father. My father has been specially thirsty for knowledge as he had only a few years of schooling himself. He believe that knowledge can change fate. So, my father offer more opportunity for me to study (no matter how poor my family was) To sum up, my family is harmony and our life is very happy.

  1) What do you think are the differences between families in and past and today, and what have caused these changes?

  In the past, there were several children in a family. But now, government has is sued "one--child policy" to limit the size of the family. So, there is only one child in a family. Couples will be punished financially if they have more than one child. This is "one -- child policy ".

  2)What is your opinion of "one--child policy"?

  I agree with one--child p...

