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  1.Do you like to walk?

  Yes, I do.I'm not one for going on really long walks in the countryside, but I don't mind walking when I'm in a town or city, for example when I'm sightseeing in a new place.

  2.Where do you walk?

  Well, I always walk from my house to the workplace/school. If I have free time, I prefer to walk in the park or beach. Especially, in summer, I very much enjoy walking with soft breeze just beside the sea.

  3.Did you walk a lot when you were a child?

  I must to say that I don't walk a lot when I was a child. I remembered that when I hang out with my parents I was always crying for a hug.

  4.Did you like walking when you were a child?

  No, I don't like walking when I was young. Compared with walking, I prefer to stay at home or ask my parents for driving me to our destination.

  5.What do you think are the benefits of walking?

  Well, I think walking is a good way to promote blood circulation and keep fit. It is an eco-friendly way to protect the environment. At the same time, it makes me feel relaxed.

  6.Do you like to walk on your own or with others?

  For me, I prefer walking alone. Sometimes I walk around the campus, or walking along the beach. I think walking alone helps me relax my mind and I also practice meditation through walking.

  7.Would you say that your city ...



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  1.What kind of gifts do you prefer to receive? Why?

  Flowers will be a perfect gift for me. The fragrance just lifts me up and the color, be it red, yellow or blue, will also flatten me when I take selfies. Another kind gift could be dolls like a teddy bear. The room appears warmer and more comfortable when covered with a wide range of dolls.

  2.Do you like to send gifts to others?

  I am a very busy person, which means I have little time to waste making this person or that feel better about themselves or to join in their celebrations. I do, however, observe etiquette, and send my regards by means of online delivery companies. I always pick the worst presents.

  3.What do you usually give to others as gifts?

  I have many relatives living all over China. Since travelling is time consuming and expensive, I prefer to deliver my presents to them, rather than give it to them myself. I discovered that flowers are an easy and inexpensive gift to serve for almost all occasions.

  4.What kind of gifts did you like when you were a kid?

  When I was a child, I loved the gifts of doll. One of my favorite dolls was a teddy bear who had a long snout and big, round eyes. He was covered in rich brown fur, or at least; he was when I first got him from my grandmother when I was an infant. Soon his fur was thin and worn because I carried him everywhere...



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  There are several occasions and places in our country when musical events take place in my country. I'd like to talk about a particular music event that takes place in my home town and this takes place in the beginning of the spring. The event runs through 3-4 days and in 2-3 phases. In the first phase the local music bands and individuals perform and complete in the event. At the end of the competition 3 bands/ individuals are selected and are awarded. This is an important event as it makes the participants famous in the country. This event is broadcasted in local TV channel and in Radio. This event takes place in the city hall auditorium. Thousands of music lovers and people attend the event to enjoy the music and the competition. Several kinds of music are played and among them classic, rock, folk and contemporary songs are most famous.

  In the second phase some famous singers and musicians perform their own songs and people enjoy this very much. Lots of people from different parts of the country come to attend the show and enjoy the music.

  I have attended the event several times and enjoyed every time to be there. The event attracts lots of people and a festivity goes on surrounding this event. I enjoy the music, the gathering ...


2016雅思口语p3精选范文:activity you do in your school

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  雅思口语想要获得提升,既要不断的练习,也要掌握一定的技巧与规律。留学群雅思栏目为大家带来“2016雅思口语p3精选范文:activity you do in your school”,希望大家能有所收获!

  今天为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于activity you do in your school,来看一下相关的4个问题及答案:

  1.Do you think schools should organize more group activities?

  2.What kinds of activities are good for children’s health?

  3.What kinds of classroom activities are popular in your country?

  4.Should young people play dangerous sports?

  Sample answers:

  1.Yes, I think so. First of all, kids who participate in group activities do better in school, have better interpersonal skills and are more team-oriented. More importantly, participation in group activites provides opportunities for leadership and socialization, as well as the development of skills for handling success and failure.

  2.Well, I think doing sports can ensure students a healthier physical and mental condition, because it allows students to clear their minds of academic and social pressures. Moreover, doing sports can also run off the tension that’s accumulated in their muscles, which for sure paves a way for a more efficient learning.

  3.Well, that‟s quite an interesting question. Uh…I guess maybe the most popular classroom activity in China would be the class debate. You know, in most campus, the classroom atmosphere is vivid and open, so professors sometimes encourage students to do some class debates. Through this activit...


2016雅思口语p3精选范文:a time when you were very busy

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  雅思口语想要获得提升,既要不断的练习,也要掌握一定的技巧与规律。留学群雅思栏目为大家带来“2016雅思口语p3精选范文:a time when you were very busy”,希望大家能有所收获!

  今天为大家带来雅思口语Part3口语范文,题目是关于a time when you were very busy,来看一下相关的4个问题及答案:

  1.Which one do you prefer, an easy life or a busy life?

  2.In which way do you often relax when you are busy?

  3.Is relaxation important for a healthy life?

  4.Will you take a long vacation after a long period of busy work?

  Sample answers:

  1.The perfect life I want is busy with the thing I like, I enjoy doing my job, and I’m busy with work stuff at weekdays, and I can still have time to have fun and relax in the weekends, like sleep late in the morning, watch a good movie with friend. So I prefer to be busy at weekdays and have time to relax and live an easy life at weekends.

  2.After five days busy work, I would usually go to the gym to have a boxing lesson, and after one hour working out, a hot water shower would be good enjoyment. I like doing sports, and I go to the gym almost every day after work cause working out can help me relax my mind and strength my body at the same.

  3.Yes, of course. After one day busy work, people will feel exhausted mentally, and it is very good for their health if they go outside to take some fresh air and do some exercise, which can build up their body and relax their mind at the same time. And a good sleep is also very important, as in sleep, human’s brain will elimi...



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  今天小编给大家详细分享Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time的参考答案,同学们可以参考一下,希望能提高大家的表达能力。预祝考生早日取得好成绩!

  Describe an interesting or unusual thing you do in your spare time

  Sample answer:

  Few months back while our visit to a friend’s hometown, all of a sudden a friend proposed us to go inside a nearby forest and have a picnic there. This was a plan proposed by Arnold (...say one of your friends name...) and 4 of our friends agreed to do so.

  This was bit dangerous as people scarcely go inside the forest and from the local people we have heard different scary and wild stories about this jungle. Our main attraction was the abandoned house inside the jungle and we planned to do the picnic there and take photos of wild lives and the abandoned house. We knew that my friend's guardians won't permit us to do that and hence we planned not to let them know about it upfront.

  On a Thursday morning we left the friend's house and bought the necessary ingredients, vegetables, foods and other things that would be required for us to do the picnic. We entered inside the jungle and to our surprise the inside was much more open and beautiful than we thought it would be. With some difficulty we reached near the abandoned house and spent time till the afternoon. This was a very exciting and unusual experience for us. We collected some woods ...

