Do Chinese people like barbecue?
Yes,of course. Chinese people, especially college students, are crazy fans of barbecue. There are tons of barbecue stores in China where you can enjoy tender beef, fresh fish,crunchy vegetable and the list goes on.
What kind of food do you like do eat for barbecue?
I am obsessed with mushrooms and potato chips as they taste so yummy after being cooked on grill.
Did you have barbecue when you were a child?
Not really. My parents are not keen on grilled stuff. According to them, it’s too oily and salty. They just made some fresh food without so many seasonings when I was a child.
Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?
Having barbecue is definitely a bonding activity for both families and friends. But I prefer to enjoy barbecue with my friends. My parents are not keen on grilled stuff. According to them, it’s too oily and salty.
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