

雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思真题


  When I was young, I wanted to work for a major aviation company as a pilot. In fact, becoming a pilot, who flies commercial aeroplanes, was my dream in my childhood.

  I have heard about this job from my teachers and relatives in my childhood and then I had a superficial idea about this job. When I was 15 or 16 years old, I saw a documentary on the tasks the pilots do in Discovery channel that gave me a clear idea of the jobs of a commercial aeroplane pilot.

  Working as a pilot requires a very comprehensive training and to become a good pilot one needs very good quality and skill sets. Usually, the commercial airline companies hire the candidates and then give them comprehensive training, both theoretical and practical, and after particular hours of flawless flying records, the candidates are sent to work for their jobs. The theoretical parts teach them the different aspects of flying, route, safety and process guidelines where the practical parts allow them to actually fly a real aeroplane. They need to prove that they have gained sufficient skills to fly a commercial plane before they are appointed to do the job.

  I was a fascination on flying the aero plane in the sky. It was a thrilling job to me when I was a young. Since different people of the family members started giving me the idea of good careers and what I would become in th...



雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思备考


  Describe something have happened recently make you happy

  You should say:

  What it is

  Where it happened

  With whom


  Last Friday, I attended the “Last Bell” ceremony of my school.

  “The Last Bell” is an event that Grade 11 students prepare for Grade 12 students which happens on their Last Day of school.

  And during then, a nostalgic feeling pumped into my heart , making me remember, how we, as 11 graders spent a month organizing and preparing the last bell for our fellow Grade 12 students.

  Despite the hard work ( it included days of crafting,drawing masks, coloring, making a castle ceiling from a mere white cotton ,making Tutus, photoshopping…),those days of preparation were so fun!

  Luckily we had figured out that the number of the boys and girls in that time were equal so we came up with the Princess theme where each girl gets to be a princess and has a prince ( based on their resemblance to the character).

  We designed their classes as a Castle Dinning room and a Castle Prison.

  Let's admit it. The hardest part was shadow coloring that Snow White's mirror…And this was the hallway of the school, in a Disney Castle Theme. Then, we sent them by the school bus to the nearest Hotel where each got a room just to wear their Tutu princess dresses . We were against doing the ceremony...



雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思预测



  Describe a famous person that you are interested in.

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  How you got to know this person

  What sort of life he/she had before he/she became famous

  How this person became famous

  And explain why you like this person


  How do people become famous?

  What qualities do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?

  Do you think people are famous as a result of their real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?






5月雅思口语新题预测范文 Shoes(鞋)

雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思考试口语



   you like to buy expensive shoes ?


  Well, to be honest, I prefer to purchase comfortable and cheap shoes than expensive shoes. Because I am not a big fan of luxurious fashion.

   you buy shoes, do you prefer convenience or style?


  Well, to be honest, I prefer to put on my feet pairs of shoes which is comfortable and practical rather than style. Because I am not keen on state-of-the-art fashion.

  3. Why do you think some people buy many pairs of shoes?


  Well, I suppose that a number of people purchase a lot of pairs of shoes because they have to put them on their feet everyday for working or doing exercise or entertaining. Moreover, they could be showed their style by these pairs of shoes.

  4. Have you ever bought shoes online?


  Well, to be honest, I have not purchased shoes online although it is on trend. Because I could not try to put pairs of shoes on my feet and the quality of these online products could be worse than realistic products when they are delivered to me.


  lace-ups = shoes with laces

  to slip something on and off = to put them on and take them off easily

  worn out = tatty, shabby, the worse for wear, t...



雅思考试 雅思口语 雅思预测



   you like to buy expensive shoes ?


  Well, to be honest, I prefer to purchase comfortable and cheap shoes than expensive shoes. Because I am not a big fan of luxurious fashion.

   you buy shoes, do you prefer convenience or style?


  Well, to be honest, I prefer to put on my feet pairs of shoes which is comfortable and practical rather than style. Because I am not keen on state-of-the-art fashion.

  3. Why do you think some people buy many pairs of shoes?


  Well, I suppose that a number of people purchase a lot of pairs of shoes because they have to put them on their feet everyday for working or doing exercise or entertaining. Moreover, they could be showed their style by these pairs of shoes.

  4. Have you ever bought shoes online?


  Well, to be honest, I have not purchased shoes online although it is on trend. Because I could not try to put pairs of shoes on my feet and the quality of these online products could be worse than realistic products when they are delivered to me.


  lace-ups = shoes with laces

  to slip something on and off = to put them on and take them off easily

  worn out = tatty, shabby, the worse for wear, tired




雅思口语新题 雅思口语题目 雅思口语考试 雅思口语


  PART 1


  Hometown; study/work; accommodation


  Handcraft; dancing; science; first school;transport (bus/taxi)/ bike; computer; park; outdoor activities; stay at home; activityat night; childhood (old days)


  Stay up; being alone; being in a hurry;mobile phone; countryside; colors; handwriting;hang out with friends; help others; history; photography; snacks; socialnetwork; swimming; teamwork; teacher; reading; sleeping;

  PART 2



  Someone you admire who is much older than you

  A family (not your own) that you like

  One of your best friends

  A person who apologized to you


  A person who likes to travel by plane

  A family member you havespent the most time with

  A person whose job isimportant to the society

  A famous person in the newsthat you would like to meet



  A place (city/ village) you have been to that was polluted


  A foreign country you wa...



雅思 雅思口语 雅思考试

  1月为雅思变题季. 雅思口语话题将有30% 左右的话题被新题替换. 今天开始已经有广州\上海\成都\长沙等考点的考生开始陆续参加今年首场雅思口语考试.

  目前来看, 新题以旧题回库题和旧题改编题为主, 全新题较少.





雅思预测 雅思口语预测


  Part 1:





  Time management

  Public transportation


  Part 2:

  A smart person you know

  An old person

  A friends you haven’t seen for a long time

  A change of your life

  A happy childhood memory

  A trip that took you a long time

  Something that you forget to do

  A special period of your life

  A foreign language that is very useful

  An important building

  A restaurant

  A group

  An expensive thing that you would like to buy

  A movie that you dislike

  A gift that you received

  An advertisement

  A product

  An old object

  A park

  A foreign culture

  A time when you helped others







雅思考试 雅思口语

  1. describe your favorite animal

  2. describe relaxation method

  3. describe communication method

  4. describe al job you are interested in

  5. describe sth old in your family


  6. describe a book which influenced you in your childhood

  7. describe a library

  8. describe a physical exercise

  9. describe a store

  10. describe your favorite magazine or newspaper

  11. an advertisement

  describe an advertisement you like.


  what it is like

  why you like it

  12. a school you attended

  describe a school you attended.

  what it was

  the advantages of studying there

  your pleasure of learning there

  13. a piece of clothes or jewelry you have

  describe the type of clothing or jewelry you choose in special time?

  what it is

  what you look like when you wear it?

  how you feel when you wear it

  14. a room of yours

  describe your favorite room in your home.

  what it is

  what it looks like

  what you often do in the room

  why you like it

  15. change in your life

  describe a change in your life.

  when it happened

  what it was like

  why you changed

  16. the part of a day you like most

  describe the part of day you like most



雅思考试 雅思口语

  Part 1新题:

  必考: 1. Study\Working 2. Hometown 3. Accommodation 选考: 1. Daily Routine

  2. A language(except English and mandarin)

  3. Recent change of your hometown

  4. Finding a job

  5. Neighbours

  6. TV

  7. News

  8. Book\ Reading

  9. Emails\Letters

  Part 2 新题


  Someone who is very polite

  One personality that you learnt from a family member

  A good parent/good parents

  A time when you helped others\ A person who helped you


  Recent Change of your hometown

  A crowded place

  A seaside leisure activity

  A room that you stayed\ A house or flat that you visited

  A Café


  An educational TV program

  A Game(not a sport)


  A time when you are late


  A important information


  Something you want to buy after seeing the advertisement

  A piece of furniture


  A performance that you recently watched

  The growth of one plant(in your country)\ An important/a familiar plant in your country


  An interesting speech


