敬业之人 Describe a person who is do well in work
you should say
who the person is
How do you know this person
what kinds of work this person does
and explain why this person can do well
雅思口语part 2范文:工作达人
雅思口语part 2范文内容:我和在跑步俱乐部认识的一个朋友一起参加社交活动,她经营着自己的生意,做定制的饼干,精心装饰着最初的设计,所以她也可以做饭。但她也经营着一个忙碌的家庭,经常为她的家人做美味可口的饭菜。两样都做的非常出色
I'm going to tell you about a friend of mine who is a wonderful chef, how I know her, what she can cook and why I think she is so great it.
This person is a friend of mine, I know her through a running club I belong too, and as I’ve got to know her better over the years we now socialise together, I also sometimes help her with her allotment and I’ve been lucky enough to eat at her house many times. She runs her own business, making bespoke biscuits, carefully decorated with original designs, so it’s just as well she can cook. But she also runs a busy household and regularly cooks delicious wholesome meals for her family.
This friend can seemingly cook anything, anywhere! She makes her own bread and can conjure a meal at a moment’s notice using eggs from her hens and herbs from her garden. She cooks really healthy food and, fortunately for me, seems to enjoy catering for unexpected guests too. She makes a very fine ...