

雅思写作技巧 雅思写作方法 雅思写作诀窍


  作文如果想拿到高分,大家就需要满足考官的各项评分标准。那么关于四大项评分标准Coherence and Cohesion中考官对代词的要求,你清楚吗?

  说到连贯和衔接(Coherence and Cohesion), 大家最先想到的是像therefore及however衔接词的带入。 实际除了衔接词以外, 代词也可以起到很好的链接作用。 下面来看下考官作文中如何通过带入代词, 来起到上下文衔接的。


  大家现在所看到是选自于剑7的一篇小作文, 范文中重点描述了两个交点。 分别是鸡肉与羊肉和牛肉(the consumption of beef and lamb)相交。 交点所用动词为overtake。 根据关键词, 写出来的句子是:

  The consumption of chicken overtook the consumption of lamb in 1980 and the consumption of beef in 1989.

  整个句子写出来, 大家会发现, consumption出现了三次特别啰嗦。 同学们可能想到的是带入amount 后者是quantity这类词做替换。 考官是怎么带入的呢? 考官在这个用了that做替换。

  The consumption of chicken overtook that of lamb in 1980 and that of beef in 1989.

  其中that 既代替了consumption避免了语言的重复。 又起到了很好的指代作用, 指代前端的consumption。 文章的前后衔接性也因此增强了。 这是小作文中代词的例子。

  接下来来看下大作文。 大作文这里选取的是剑6中的一个例句。 句子出现的背景是这样的。 整个文章需要论述的是电脑的使用给孩子带来的优点和缺点有哪些。 主体1考官带入的是缺点论述。 主体2要带入优点论述。 我们现在所看到的这句话,就是放在主体1和2之间的承上启下句。

  主体1:computer – 缺点

  + 承上启下句 (尽管如此, the obvious benefits of computer skills cannot be denied. )

  主体2:computer- 优点

  句子的汉语是这样的, 尽管如此, 电脑的对孩子们来说的显而易见的优点是不能被否认的。 我们来思考下尽管如此怎么去翻译这个句子。 大部分同学看到尽管想到的是although及even though 这类的表达法。 Although 以及even though 在使用的过程中后端是要带入句子的。 有这样两个表达法, 一个是despite 一个是in spite of 他们两个翻译过来也都是尽管的意思。 但是在使用中后端可以带入代词。 来看下考官的用法,他带入了 in spite of this。 其中This 起到了很好的衔接效果,指代之前段落论述的缺点, 言外之意, 虽然...



雅思写作衔接难题 雅思写作备考 雅思写作


  许多学生在攻克了词汇语法以及审题难关后,雅思(课程)写作还是5-5.5分,很大一部分原因是由于“Coherence and Cohesion(衔接和连贯)”的掌握欠佳。花了大量的时间去记忆类似于consequently, admittedly的关联词,恨不得每一句前面都加一个自己觉得合适的连接词。新东方在线谢爽老师指出这种做法并不符合评分标准,会被定义为过度使用衔接成分,合适的运用方式应该是这样的:


  题目:Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and other measures are required.

  Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.A problem of modern societies is the declining level of health in the general population, with conflicting views on how to tackle this worrying trend.

  通过代词this的使用使得“现象”与大众对现象的看法产生了衔接,清晰简洁,不留痕迹做到了评分准则中的“uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention”

  Onepossible solution is to provide more sports facilities to encourage a more lifestyle.

  通过 “one possible”写出了后文还会提到提到其他的解决方案,从而体现了后文在分段和内容上与总观点的对应,即评分准则中的”skilfully manages paragraphing“

  Advocates ofthis believe that today’s sedentary lifestyle and stressful working


  conditions mean that physical activity is no longer part of either our work or our leisure time. If there were easy-to-reach local sports centres, we would be more

  通过对于关键词的修饰进一步论证了论点中涉及的关键重心内容,体现了内容的深化,论据与观点的衔接(即增多“sports facilities”的第一个原因:需要让大众更方便做运动)



雅思写作衔接解法 雅思写作衔接词 雅思写作备考


  题目:Some people say that the best way to improve public health is by increasing the number of sports facilities. Others, however, say that this would have little effect on public health and other measures are required.

  Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

  A problem of modern societies is the declining level of health in the general

  population, with conflicting views on how to tackle this worrying trend.

  通过代词this的使用使得“现象”与大众对现象的看法产生了衔接,清晰简洁,不留痕迹做到了评分准则中的“uses cohesion in such a way that it attracts no attention”

  One possible solution is to provide more sports facilities to encourage a more


  通过 “one possible”写出了后文还会提到提到其他的解决方案,从而体现了后文在分段和内容上与总观点的对应,即评分准则中的”skilfully manages paragraphing“

  Advocates of this believe that today’s sedentary lifestyle and stressful working


  conditions mean that physical activity is no longer part of either our work or our

  leisure time. If there were easy-to-reach local sports centres, we would be more

  通过对于关键词的修饰进一步论证了论点中涉及的关键重心内容,体现了内容的深化,论据与观点的衔接(即增多“sports facilities”的第一个原因:需要让大众更方便做运动)

  likely to make exercise a regular part of our lives, rather than just collapsing in front of a screen every evening. The variety of sports that could be offered would


