

雅思作文考试 写作考试准备 雅思考试内容



  (1) 第一段的introduction:直接改写题目——句型主动改被动或是反之,单词可做稍微替换,虽然说改写比较简单,但是这一步骤缺一不可。一定要改写题目,一定不能照抄。

  (2) 第二段的overview:图表中,你最先看到的,最最明显的特征,你这里可以做以下稍微的总结,因为怕你后面没时间进行总结,小作文的时间最多只有20分钟,要放在大作文后面写,很多时候大作文会占据大于40分钟的时间,那么你的小作文时间就会来不及,那么在这里你对于最最明显的特征进行总结,就算到后面没时间,也不会因为没有对图表特征进行总结而扣分。

  (3) 第三段的details:图表所提供的信息就是需要你进行对比的。对比分两种:纵向和横向。纵向是跟自己比,比之前自己增长了,还是下降了;横向比是跟别人比,跟比人比我是第一还是最后。图表中的数据信息,你无需所有的数据都写在你的文中里,只需要特征明显的,比如位于首位,位于最后这种,还有就是一定要进行对比。

  (4) 如果你前面的overview段有总结了,就无需再来个结尾段了,不过要是有时间,你也可以进行一句话的结尾。



  时期:from…to, between…and, over/ during the period from 1995 to 2005=over/during the period of one decade

  上升:go up, climb, grow, rise, increase, ascend, show an upward trend=show an increasing/rise trend

  表明/揭示:show/reveal/indicate/reflect/present/describe/illustrate/demonstrate/compare/give informationabout + n

  缓慢、逐渐:slow, slowly=gradually=steadily=consistently=step by step,contious

  迅速:rapid, quick, swift,sudden, sharp, dramatic

  小幅度:slight(ly), modest(ly), moderate(ly), marginal(ly)

  大幅度、明显:sharp,drastic, considerable, noticeable, marked, dramatic, significant, substantially,

  下降:fall, go down, drop, decrease, decline, descend, dip...



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  The charts below show the results of a survey of adult education. The first chart shows the reasons why adults decide to study. The pie chart shows how people think the costs of adult education should be e a report for a university lecturer, describing the information shown e at least 150 Words.

  Model Answer:

  The summary of a survey on adult education is presented in the 2 charts. The bar chart summarizes the factors that caused adults to continue their education, while the pie chart shows the public opinion regarding the funding of adult education.

  According to the bar chart, 40% of the respondents mentioned “interest in the subject” as the reason they decided to go back to school. This factor was followed closely by the aim to gain qualification at 38%. On the other hand, only 9% of the survey participants said that they went to school in order to meet more people. This is the least popular reason among the 7 given.

  Among all the people surveyed regarding the funding, 40% of them felt that this adult education should be the responsibility of the individual. Although 35% of them thought that the employers should lend the helping hand, only 25% agreed that the taxpayers should share the burden.

  In summary, the survey showed a mixed opinion regarding the reasons and the ...


雅思写作小作文范文 雨水当饮用水用

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  The flow chart above shows the process of purification of rain for drinking water in Australian. Overall, 4 main stages are involved: collection, filtration, storage and treatment.

  Firstly, rain falling on the roof, the raw material for drinking water, flows down along gutters and into drains, which then direct the water into underground filtration system. Next, water goes through a physical filter slowly which serves to remove particulates from rainwater. After percolation, the water is delivered by the pipe to a large cube-shaped container and be stored carefully.

  For the purpose of producing drinkable water, there is another stage for further treatment. Specifically, the water is transferred into a bigger tank, in which some chemicals are added and mixed with stored water. This chemical reaction is able to fully eliminate impurities, thus enhancing the quality of water up to a safe and potable level for human.

  Finally, through water pipe, the well-treated water is pressed and directed to the resident house for daily use.




雅思写作小作文范文:Life expectancy

雅思作文 雅思范文 雅思小作文



  Task:Life expectancy at birth in 7 countries worldwide.


  1. 分段原则为: 按照数据的大小对比分一段,女性比男性多分一段。

  2. 注意描述一类数据(Max, Min, Avg)。

  3. 类比模式下,应该重点描述数据的差异,可通过减法和除法进行比较。eg.在美国,男女之间的寿命差异最大,为5年。


  This bar chart compares how long people can expect to live in seven different countries.

  We can see that in each of the seven countries people have a life expectancy of between63 years and 83 years. People will live longest in Canada at 83 years and the United States (81 years), while Bangladesh has the lowest life expectancy at just 63 years. Of the other countries, Turkey, Vietnam, Iran and India all have a similar level close to the average of 73 years.

  We should also note that women are expected to live longer than men in all these coun...


雅思写作小作文范文:leisure activities

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  Task:Information about the preferred leisure activities of Australian children.


  1. 采用对比模式,着重进行组内部的比较,比如说Art and Carft组中的男女百分比的比较。

  2. 注意重点数据的描述(Max, Min, eg. Watching TV=Max; Skateboarding=Min)。

  3. 分段通过数据的对比产生,男女数据相同的一组,男大于女的一组,女大于男的一组。


  The bar chart shows the favored leisure activities of Australian boys and girls age 5-14. 5 aspects can be divided into 3 groups.

  The first group includes Watching TV or videos, which was the most popular leisure activity in all. Specifically, numbers of boys and girls both reach the same level at 100%, which means TVs and Videos are always given the top priority for amusement and universally favored by every child.

  The second group consists of Skateboarding, Bike riding and Electronic or Computer games, all of w...



雅思写作题型 雅思写作备考 雅思写作


  在雅思小作文中,条形图/柱形图、数据图、线性图等是雅思学术类写作较为常见的考题。这些数据类分析题要求学生总结 (summarise),描述 (describe) 或者解释 (explain) 图表中包含的信息,也有可能进行比较 (make comparisons)。也就是说,这类题目注重学生的信息组织、呈现方式、数据比较等的能力。今天的题目是小作文中条形图考题的典范。在这里要与大家分享一下这类写作的“套路”。通过使用这些“套路”,相信在不断的练习和感悟下,各位考鸭一定能斩获条形图作文的高分!好了,下面上题:


  The graphs below give information about computer ownership as a percentage of the population between 2002 and 2010, and by level of education for the years 2002 and 2010.

  Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.






  Sample Answer

  The bar charts show data about computer ownership, with a further classification by(通过。。。的方式划分)level of education, from 2002 to 2010.

  A steady but significant rise(平稳而显著的提升)can be seen in the percentage of the population that owned a computer over the period(在这个时段里). Just over half the population owned computers in 2002, whereas by 2010 three out of four(四个里面有三个=百分之75)people had a home computer.

  An analysis of the ...



G类雅思写作小作文 G类雅思写作 雅思写作



  a solid theory foundation坚实的理论基础



  an intimate knowledge of熟练的知识


  apply for申请

  be available for an interview可以参加面试

  be qualified for有资格


  contact number联系电话



  expected salary期望得到的薪水

  graduate (from)毕业

  have a good command of对掌握熟练

  interpersonal skills人际关系的技巧

  meet the requirements满足要求

  practical experience实践经验



  working experience工作经验









雅思写作小作文 雅思写作范文 雅思写作



  Task:The diagram below illustrates the carbon cycle in nature.


  1. 需要看懂图形之间的顺序,并找到流程的起点和终点;

  2. 需要理解图形之间的因果关系;

  3. 需要学会描述事物之间的转换:如空气变成固体;

  4. 需要理解和推测文字描述和图形步骤之间的因果关系:如前提条件,过程,后果。


  The flow chart shows how the cycle of carbon is formed in the nature completely. Overall, this process has 3 main parts, including carbon absorbing, transferring and releasing.

  Firstly, under the exposure to sunlight, plants like green trees begin a process known as photosynthesis which absorbs CO2 from the air. After the death and decay of these plants, the organic carbon is then transferred underground. Similarly, the carbon accumulated in dead animals which feed on plants in life, such as sheep, is also deposited in soil. Being pressed and mingled in deep earth for a long term, a part of trapped carbon is converted into the form of fossil or fossil fuels.

  In terms of releasing carbon back, there are generally 3 ways. Organically, physical respiration from both plants and animals produces and exhales large amount of carbon as CO2 into atmosphere. Spontaneously, root respiration of plants also extracts fixed carbon from soil. Besides, man-made activities that burn fossil fuels like car running or factory manufacturing make serious gas e...



雅思写作常用句型 雅思写作句型 雅思写作万能句型

  留学群雅思考试网为您整理“2016年雅思写作小作文开头句型 ”,希望考生们都能写出优秀的雅思小作文。

  雅思小作文每次出现的图表都不一样,一个饼图一个柱图每次都写the figure shows...很重复,要摆脱这样的尴尬不仅要记得pie chart, graph, table这些图表名称,还要熟记句型用法。雅思小编为考生们准备的图表常用句型汇总,同学们记下来看看。

  1 according to the chart```

  2 the date lead us to the conclusion that```

  3 the date show```

  4 the tree diagram reveals how```

  5 the figures show```

  6 this is a cure graph which describes the trend of```

  7 the pie graph depicts```

  8 the graph provides some interesting date regrarding```

  9 the table shows the changes in the number of ``` over the period from ```to ```

  10 as is shown in the table ```

  11 from the table ,we can clearly see that ```

  12 this table shows the changing proportion of X and Y from ``` to ````

  13 the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in```

  14 as can be seen from the grape ,the two curves show the flutuation of ```

  15 over the period from ```to ```the```remained level.

  16 in the year between ```and ```.

  17 in the 3 years spanning from 2005 through 2008.

  18 the number of ``` remained steady from ```to ````.

  19 the number sharply went up to ```

  20 the percentage of ``` stayed the same between ``` and ```

  21 the percentage remainede steady at```

  22 the percentage of `...



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  The birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one place to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the invention of cars bring great benefit to all of us.but as proverb goes:no garden without weeds.car is not exception.

  Owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most convient way of transportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time.emotionally,i always found driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortable to drive a car.In winter.drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy whether,in addition,drivers are usually safe in their cars when they are out at night.

  Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firstly,to run a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasing number of cars contribute the lacking of energy.secondlly,as more and more cars are used,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which lead to the serious social problem--traffic jam.in addition,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of carbon monoxide into atmosphere.it make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contact with frensh air.

  Therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental pollution can be avioded .and...

