

2014法律考研 法律考研 考研专业











托福真题 托福口语机经

  今日的北京,冷雨霏霏,春寒料峭。 不过中国大陆所有的托福考场依然爆满。很多人甚至提前一个月都报不上名。这充分说明托福考试的热潮在大陆地区已经是“春风春雨花经眼,江北江南水拍天”了。好了,闲话休叙,我们先来回顾一下今天出现的托福考题。

   阅读:有两个section, 共三篇文章。
  一,昆虫的伪装insect disguise。 文章一开始先指出昆虫的伪装是一种普遍的生物学现象。昆虫们mimic each other 有两大原因:1。模仿dangerous insects to scare away their predators. 比如,有种moth装成一种危险的wasp. 2. 与周围环境混为一体,使predators 无法发现。




  2.从形状上与环境混杂,比如stick insects象stick, leaf butterfly 象leaf.

  3. 从颜色,形状,甚至行为都与被模仿的model 一致。 比如,那种moth 无论从颜色,形状,甚至行为都与wasp一模一样。

  再接下来文章在倒数第四段开始讨论昆虫camouflage 的原因。有种假说认为昆虫与环境之间的类似是一种coincidence. 但是在倒数第三段作者立刻否定了这种观点。有几种虫子,比如:grasshoppers, 是有意选择能隐蔽自己的环境的。所以这种camouflage 是 intentional rather than coincidental.

  然后,在文章的倒数第二段,作者又举出了在托福生物学文章中著名的Darwin同志,和他的theory of natural selection. Darwin同志认为昆虫显现出的伪装性,正是长期的自然选择的结果。因为没有伪装性的昆虫被天敌狂吃,越来越少。能够传导给后代的基因都是有利于表现伪装性的。


  最后一段,Darwin同志的观点自然被否定了。因为researchers 解剖了很多birds’ stomachs, 发现有很多被吃掉的虫虫也是有很好的camouflage的。但是根据Darwin 同志的观点,这些虫虫是不该牺牲的,所以自然选择理论行不通。

  袁昊老师点评:本文比较引人注意的是考了几道词汇题,有的词汇很特别。比如:enigmatic, refinement, premise 都出了词汇题。如果你不太认识这几个词,那么你很可能要熟悉一下我们讲的对付阅读生僻词的五大原则。或者应该有计划,有目标的背一些词汇。




雅思考试 雅思作文 雅思备考


  考官如是说:Remember that part 1 answers need to be short, direct and simple.


  1. Do you like walking?


  雅思口语考官范文:I'm not one for going on really long walks in the countryside, but I don't mind walking when I'm in a town or city, for example when I'm sightseeing in a new place.

  2. Do you think walking is important?


  雅思口语考官范文:Yes, I think it's important to be active, and walking is the most basic physical activity that we can do.

  3. Do you think walking in the countryside is better than walking in the city?


  雅思口语考官范文:Personally, no. As I said before, I like walking in the city, especially if it's somewhere with a lot of history like London or Paris.

  4. What could be done to improve the experience of walking in cities?


  雅思口语考官范文:I suppose the main issues are space and safety. Pavements need to be wide enough to accommodate lots of pedestrians, and we need safe places to cross the street.




环球雅思 原文

People can go to shop, bank and work with a computer. But the danger of the computer is that people are getting isolated and losing some social skills. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

The progression of computer is inevitable and undeniable. Nowadays computers also have become a part of our daily life. Instead of leaving home to go to shop bank and work people can do these at home by clicking the buttons. However, some people hold the opinion that it will cause people isolated from each other and lose social skills. Personally I find it hard for me to agree with this opinion by following reasons
In the first instance, computers are tool to communication with people instead of isolation from the world. When we say a person is isolated it means that he is lonely and cut off the world. However, people seldom have this feeling while they are surfing the Internet. On the contrary, people tend to make more friends through the net.
Secondly, people also can acquire social skills on Internet. Communication on Internet has the same purpose as face-to-face communication has. For example, through Internet we can send greeting cards to our friends. Furthermore, sometimes it might be a better way of communication on some occasions such as when you find it embarrassing to say sorry face to face we can send a message of apology to your friend.
Last but not least, doing something through Internet actually spares...


雅思考试 雅思作文 雅思备考


  直接搬出一篇雅思大作文习作,来make my point.

  Nowadays, we have different way of life than our parents. We tend to criticize their thoughts and concepts for being not fit to such a fast growing society. However, some traditional ideas, in my opinion, are more valuable and should be inherited.

  First, most principles, though dating from the past, own their values to the present and the future because they are the essences of our ancestors’ wisdom. They play significant roles in keep our society sustainable development from one generation to another. It is the heritage of traditional opinions that enables us to be frugal for living materials, natural and social resources. In contrast, if we judge the old ideas simply by its fit for modern times, it is more likely to deny those for which we are desperately look.

  Meanwhile, it is noticeable that some tradition thoughts and concepts are increasingly integrated into modern world, especially in the domain of fashion design. The trend of back-to-ancients is a vivid demonstration in which the blend of traditional elements and modern design wins the popularity among younger generation. In this way, it seems arbitrary to assume that older generation’s traditional ideas are not the right way in the present age.

  Despite, we still acknowledge that part of stereotypes desperately need to be reviewed or abandoned. So...


雅思机经 雅思听力机经

  本次考试的题目配置:本次考试前由于大陆考区出现了紧急状况,剑桥考试院临时换了考卷。但是,本次的考试依旧给考生送了一个大惊喜,4旧!考题中填空题有19题,选择题有12题,其余则是表格题。由于临时换题,配对题最近首次缺席。 Section One:单项选择题 + 填空题;Section Two:表格题 + 单项选择题;Section Three:表格题 + 填空题;Section Four:填空题。据今天参加考试的同志们反应考试的难度反映在较快的语速上,容易让考试来不及,从而顾此失彼。S1=V70S1;S2V69S2=;S3=V70S3;S4=V70S4。



    Section One:


  1. 每次团体旅游可容纳?------ C. 38

  2. 有个设施不能用?----- B. meeting room unavailable

  3. 什么情况用餐要预定?----- B. 农庄的人cook for them

  4. All people go to he farm can play?----- A. hear information about organic farming

  5. 活动中有个survival course?----- B. find the food

  6. 去最近的地方if you want to go the nearest place?----- C. cycling route

  7. 如果下雨的话,可以去?----- C. museum

  8. 预定付多少钱?----- C. part of the money


  9. 一个地址:Cotehele

  10. 一个编号:SH121LQ

    Section Two:


  Stock Market 11.travelling Make People Tried 12.get good shoes

  Office Work Air Condition 13.wear formal clothes 14.choose a large office

  Work at Zoo 15.


雅思机经 雅思口语机经

  Someone you know who made a wrong decision

  Do you think it’s a good idea to make decisions when one is feeling strong emotions or is it better to make decisions when one’s emotions are not strong?

  A TV programme

  What has satellite TV brought to our lives?

  A performance

  Do you think art forms such as dance and drama have an impact on people’s everyday lives?

  A recent change

  In general , do Chinese people like change?

  An important message

  Do you think communication skills can be taught or are they part of innate nature of a person?

  What sorts of skills do you believe are important for good communication?

  A speech

  Why do you think many people are nervous before they give a speech?

  What qualities should these visiting speakers have?

  A foreign language

  Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster than adults?

  A type of clothes

  What impact do think the fashion industry has on the economy of your country?

  A useful website

  Compared to several decades ago, do you think the internet has changed people’s lives?

  What are the pros and cons of children using the internet?

  A childhood game

  Do you think group activities can help give a child a sense of responsibility?

  Do you think the indoor activities and outdoor ac...


2013雅思真题 雅思作文机经
