本文为大家带来雅思高分作文的进阶指导——同义替换。别小看同义替换,雅思作文中用得好,也是雅思作文的一大亮点,是加分项哦。很多考过雅思的同学比较熟悉的是关于动词和形容词的替换。比如说,表达“重要的”,可以把 important 换成 significant, crucial, essential….; 表达“ 增加,增长”,可以把 increase 换成 enhance, boost….; 表达“ 解决”, 可以把 solve 换成 address,deal with, cope with等等。所有这些关于形容词和动词的替换,是比较简单和基础的一部分。
1.Firms should make more information about salaries public.
2. Pay transparency can be a potent weapon against persistent inequities.
3. Donald Trump recently canceled a rule set by Barack Obama requiring large firms to provide more pay data to anti-discrimination regulators.
4. Despite the discomfort that transparency can cause, it would be better to publish more information.
5. There is a straightforward economic argument formaking pay public.
6 Public pay data should help people make better decisions about which skills to acquire and where to work.
7 Shining a light on pay gaps can poison morale, as some workers learn that they earn substantially less than their peers.
8 A study of employees at the University of California, for instance, found that when workers were given access to a database listing the salary of every public employee, job satisfaction among those on relatively low wages fell.