

雅思作文 雅思大作文题目 雅思大作文题目:g类



  题目一: Do you think people do different jobs they should have different time holiday are you agree or disagree , give your reason an explain.

  题目二:In many countries, people don't wear their national costume. Many people think it will forget their history and tradition. So, people should be encouraged to wear national costume every day. You agree or disagree. (This is argument topic, u should support one or another)

  题目三:Parent should limit children time of watching TV and playing computer game, others Insister children spend reading books, agree or disagree?

  题目四:People doing different kinds of work enjoy different amount of holiday time. Should people have the same amount of leisure time? Give your opinion using some of your own experience.

  题目五:Some people think that children's lives will be different from their own. What is your opinion? Explain the reasons by your experience and examples.

  题目六:The culture of different countries are becoming similar so there is no point for people to go traveling abroad for they could have same experience at home agree or disagree.

  题目七:Today some person has to work away from his family, what is the advantages and disadvantages? Give your opinion and some explanations of your experience.

  题目八:You and your family are living in a rented accommo...



雅思G类作文题目练习 雅思作文题目 雅思作文


  Task 1

  某公司offer you一份工作,但你不能去,写封信告诉该公司人事主管,你拒绝接受并表示感谢。说明理由、以及你怎样喜欢你现在的工作。

  Task 2

  Children are becoming lazy, fat and unsociable, give your possible causes and measures.

  Task 3

  People use the computers when they work, go banking and, but somebody argue that it will make the people isolate and decrease social skills to what extend do you agree or disagree.

  Task 4


  Task 5

  Give some reason and give your relevant experience about it: high school students should study general subjects before they are 17 years old, to study specialist subjects before that age is too early for them. agree or disagree

  Task 6

  People use computer in shop, bank...without leaving home. Someone think it is danger because it may make people isolate and lose the social skills to live with others to what extend do you agree or disagree this opinion?

  Task 7

  Your car is hired from a company and when u are driving in holiday, there's a small accident on it, you will have to write a report to the company to explain it. you need to explain the following statement:

  1. when and where you hired it?

  2. describe how the accident happened?

  3. what kind of action did you have after...



国际合作 譬如说
本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《7月26日A类大作文题目浅解》。 雅思A类大作文范文全析
Some people think that international cooperation has brought benefits to the protection of the environment. Others believe that the greater benefits have been achieved in world business.
Discuss both these views and offer your own.
这道题是书上TOPIC 54的改写,TOPIC54讨论的是国际合作是否有利于环境保护。这次题目加了点新意,却有点弄巧成拙,毕竟国际合作不仅仅针对环境和商业,还有很多其他的领域,譬如说文化保护、救灾、科学研究、反恐等等。
我刚才看了一下学生的讨论,发现很多学生忽略了“international cooperation”这一名词的定义。“international cooperation”(国际合作)一般是由非政府组织(non-government groups)(譬如说红十字会, Greenpeace )或者政府所组织的。大家要注意区分“TNOs, transnational organisations”(跨国公司)和“international cooperation”(国际合作)之间的区别。譬如说麦当劳,耐克,丰田这种公司就是属于跨国公司,他们属于在其他国家进行扩张市场,不属于和其他国家进行合作(虽然不排除某些时候,大企业共同合作开发项目。)因此,大家在写作当中,要在用词上多加注意,如果通篇都是说“some large corporations”,“multi-nationals”,可能会有失偏颇。
国际合作共同开发能源(explore natural resources),却没有顾及对环境产生的影响(disregard environmental impacts);譬如国家合作开采油田(develop oil fields),有可能污染海洋;
国际企业合作会破坏发展中国家的自然环境,消耗大量资源(consume resources),排放大量污染物和垃圾(discharge pollutants and wastes);
当然,国际合作很多时候体现在经济合作的促进(promote trade relations),关税的减少(reduce tariff),减少歧视(eliminate discrimination ),这些是有利于国家之间增加贸易,对于不同国家之间的商品交换(exchange of goods)都有帮助。譬如说,中国和新西兰签定自由贸易协定,新西兰人可以使用更多的中国商品,而中国人可以更加便宜地获得新西兰荣誉全球的奶制品。



雅思考试 雅思作文 雅思大作文



  就现阶段而言,主要是政府的教育支出比较多increase the budget on children’s education,需要修建更多的幼儿园、学校、体育设施construct more kindergartens, schools and sports facilities,为青少年的成长提供良好的环境create a good environment for children’s growth。某些相关的产业会因为少年儿童人口增加而获利gain benefits,比如课外辅导tutoring,家政保姆housekeeping and baby-sitting,生产玩具和文具的公司等等。对于家庭而言,因为孩子数量多,父母工作比较忙,或者经济负担比较重economic burden,或者父母的方法经验不足wrong methods and insufficient experience,可能某些孩子无法获得很好的家庭教育do not have good parenting。

  对未来的影响有好的一方面,未来几十年国家的劳动力比较充足abundant supply of labor force,经济发展速度能够加快accelerate the economic development,但是也有负面影响。首先青少年之间的竞争会非常激烈fierce competition,因为只有一部分人能够考上名牌大学enter top universities,其次是失业的问题unemployment,工作岗位的数量有限number of vacant jobs,无法满足毕业生的需求meet graduates’ demand,年轻人的高失业率可能会造成贫富差距和犯罪等社会问题。



  2018年雅思写作模拟试题:Gift and Art

  2018年雅思写作模拟试题:the importance of museums

  2018年雅思写作模拟试题:International Travel


雅思大作文题目:house or flat

雅思作文题目 雅思作文 雅思考试


  Somepeople prefer to live in a house,while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an apartment.

  Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?

  In big business cities there are two options available for the type of accommodation:houses and apartments. Some people prefer to live in a apartments and some like to live in houses.

  In big business cities,where almost everyone is going out daily for work or study,apartment provide a much more comfortable and safe way of living. The advantages include the fact that there is one key and lock they have to take care of,and also the sense of being a part of a big family. Usually a guard sits at the main gate,so children can play around in the compound with their next door friends. In addition,not much daily cleaning is required in apartment as no staircase has to be clean,which is a difficult task- all housewives know it very well. But a key advantage is that it is safe to go on vocation for a long trip.

  On the other hand,houses have their own attraction for its inhabitants. Garden lovers usually prefer houses as they can have their own garden. It is also easy to keep a pet,especially a dog in a house because dog can play around the garden. If someone is interest in maintain cars himself,it can only be possible in h...


雅思作文 雅思大作文模板 雅思g类大作文模板



  1、Some people think that it is important to use leisure time for activities that improve the mind, such as reading and doing word puzzles.

  Other people feel that it is important to rest the mind during leisure time.

  You should write at least 250 words.

  You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

  model answer:

  It is generally accepted that we all need leisure time to recover from the stresses of work and everyday life.Personally, I prefer to be active during this time, as I think this suits me better. However, what we do with our leisure time is up to us and no one can say that any particular activity is the best.

  Some people relax by watching movies, reading or surfing the internet. People who have physically demanding jobs may choose these types of activities. If you are a nurse or builder, you may feel that you don't want to do a five-kilometre run after work, because you are already physically tired.

  Other people do very sedentary jobs. Computer analysts, for example, may spend all day sitting in front of a computer screen. At the end of the working day, they may be keen to stretch their limbs and improve their health by swimming or going to the gym.

  Another factor that influences our choice of leisure pursuit is whe...


雅思 本文
本文来自雅思作文网liuxuequn.com《4月13日北京G类作文题目》。 TASK 1
you received a telepone bill and found there were some problems on it.write a letter to explain it and complain their service.
at last you should tell them what you hope them to do.
many young people leave their home before they are 20 year old to studying or start to work.do you think this is positive?
what would be the disadvantage in this matter?



题目 说是


Nowadays, international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. Unforturnately, international tourism creates tension rather than understanding between people from different cultures.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

1)What does tension mean?
很多词汇量小的同学实在是unfortunate,因为tension是题目的key word,如果你知道tense可以指紧张的话,那么tension就是它的名词形式:紧张。看到不少网友想当然的写旅游带来的环境问题,工业问题等等,我真是挺为他们遗憾的。这也是个血的教训。所以,赶紧背单词,这可是根本的根本。

2)How do we interprete the topic?
我们应该如何理解和阐释这个题目呢?这里还要感谢大学,中学英语老师给的基本功,也就是rather than这个用法的翻译,其实有个固定的中文是”与其说是。。,还不如说是。。。,这其实对理解本题是很关键的,即作者并没有要否定rather than 后的understanding。



以上这些话都不是我说的,是. 西安环球雅斯的任子康(Benny 说的。看了以后,大家对大作文该如何写就有一个大概的方向了吧。

