Ceramic products also include lead-glazed tomb models of the Han dynasty, three-colorlead-glazed vessels and figures of the Tang dynasty, and Ming three-color temple ornaments, in which the motifs were outlined in a raised trail of slip——as well as the many burial ceramics produced in imitation of vessels made in materials of higher intrinsic value. (TPO10, 56)
ceramic /sə'ræmɪk/ adj. 陶瓷的,陶器的
glazed /glezd/ adj.(陶器)上釉的;(目光)木然的,呆滞的,无神采的;(门、窗)装有玻璃的
vessel /'vɛsl/ n. 船(尤指大船); 舰;容器, 器皿;管状结构(血管、导管)
ornament /'ɔrnəmənt/ n. 装饰,点缀;装饰物,点缀品
motif /məʊ'tiːf/ n. 装饰的图案或式样;主题
outline vt. 概述,概括;画出或标出(某物)的轮廓﹑ 外形
raised adj. 有凸起花纹 (或图案) 的,浮雕的
slip n. 泥釉(涂於陶器上作表层或图样的)
intrinsic /ɪn'trɪnsɪk/ adj. (指价值或性质)固有的, 内在的, 本质的