英国阿斯顿大学(Aston University)一所知名的老牌公立大学,学校以商科和工科为优势,其工商管理硕士专业在全英国排进前十,非常具有竞争力。英国阿斯顿大学也是英国一流的科技大学之一,学校拥有高品质的学位课程,2002年在《泰晤士报》全英大学排名中名列第二。那么阿斯顿大学本科阶段和研究生阶段有哪些奖学金可以申请呢?和留学群看看吧。
Undergraduate Scholarships
1.Aston Villa Scholarship
Aston University is proud to be the Official UK University Partner of Aston Villa Football Club from the 2016/17 season.
Located a mile and a half from the University, Aston Villa is one of the oldest football clubs in the history of English football and an internationally recognised brand.
Under the partnership the University is supporting the Aston Villa Foundation Social Enterprise Academy initiative, providing business skills education to students from schools in the local community, leading to the award of accredited qualifications.
We will also be offering an Aston Villa Scholarship for international (non-EU) students applying for undergraduate or one-yearpostgraduate taught programmes* beginning in September 2017.
*Excludes MBA, Medicine and OSPAP
2016/17 学年起,阿斯顿大学正式成为阿斯顿维拉足球俱乐部的英国大学合作伙伴。