阿尔斯特大学(University of Ulster)建于1968年,是北爱尔兰一所著名的公立大学。阿尔斯特大学有不错的国际名声,在2011年被泰晤士报评为“年度大学”,想去英国留学的学生都可以考虑。下面是留学群为大家整理并翻译的阿尔斯特大学奖学金,仅供参考。
Scholarships recognise the many ways in which our students are outstanding in their subject. Individuals may be able to apply directly or may automatically be nominated for awards.
1.The Barnett Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship
The School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, supported by Norbrook Laboratories Limited, offers the Barnett Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship for students who hold a confirmed conditional offer of a place on the MSc in Pharmaceutical Sciences Programme.
The Scholarship will support a maximum of two scholars and will be used to cover the full amount of the scholars' tuition fees (up to a combined total value of £10,000 per annum) with any remaining funds being paid directly to the scholar in support of living expenses.
The Barnett Pharmaceutical Sciences Scholarship is now closed for applications. Information will be sent to all eligible students in Summer 2017 with the scholarship(s) to be awarded in the academic year 2017/18.
药学与药物科学研究生院由 Norbrook Laboratories公司支持,为拿到药学科学课程理科硕士明确录取名额的学生提供巴奈特药物科学奖学金。
该奖学金最多有两个名额。奖学金将用于支付学费的全额学费。每年的学费总额最多为10,000 英镑。余下...