

釜山大学学生宿舍具体情况 釜山大学学生宿舍介绍

  釜山大学 ,1946年建校,是韩国10所国立旗帜大学之一,2014年QS世界大学排名431名亚洲第68位。学校一直为国家培养优秀的人才和领导人做出自己的贡献。作为韩国第一国立大学,釜山大学一直在捍卫者韩国高等教育国立大学的尊严。釜山大学的宿舍分为三个校区,具体情况如何呢?下面是留学群为大家整理的釜山大学学生宿舍简介,供大家参考。

  Pusan National University has comfortable dormitories available to students who come from other cities or have difficult commutes.


  The PNU dormitories, also known as “college living halls”, accommodate 16% of the student body for a total of 4,436 students. The basic structure of the college living hall is 2 students to a room, with shared communal facilities such as showers, toilets, and a gym. The BTL (Built-Transfer-Lease) dormitories, Ungbi Hall (in Busan) and the Haengrim Hall (in Yangsan), both built in 2009, have individual heating systems, air conditioning, toilets, and showers to minimize the inconveniences of communal life.

  For the safety and security of its students, each college living hall is set up with an access control system, which requires the use of a multi-functional student ID card to gain access into the buildings. This enhances the accuracy of identifying students without disrupting ease of access for its residents. Also, the buildings are equipped with facilities such as dining rooms, lounges, computer rooms, reading rooms, and laundry rooms for greater convenience and hassle-free living that promotes studying.


