首尔大学(Seoul National University,서울대학교),简称首尔大,又称国立首尔大学,是一所位于韩国首尔世界著名、亚洲顶尖的研究型国立综合性大学,其前身为殖民地时期日本在韩国建立的“京城帝国大学”,也是二战结束前九所帝国大学之一。1946年,其由大韩民国政府改名为“首尔大学”,是韩国10所国立旗帜大学中最早建立的一所,一直是韩国国立大学的典范,首尔大学同时也是环太平洋大学联盟(Association of Pacific Rim Universities)和东亚四大学论坛(BESETOHA )东亚研究型大学协会(The Association of East Asian Research Universities)的重要成员。
Why SNU?
Seoul National University is looking for talented students and future researchers from all corners of the world to join this premier institution for higher education at the academic hub of Asia. For both undergraduates and graduate students, SNU offers a world-class education and a wealth of extraordinary opportunities that only SNU can offer.
Reasons to Come to SNU
As SNU embraces its vision of becoming a truly global university, there will be greater emphasis put on diversity and international community on campus than ever...