留学群专题频道运用自如栏目,提供与运用自如相关的所有资讯,希望我们所做的能让您感到满意! 运用自如,拼为yùn yòng zì rú,指运用得非常熟练自然。



成语名称:运用自如 yùn yòng zì rú


[成语解释]  自如:活动不受阻碍。形容运用得非常熟练、自然。

[用法]  一般作谓语。

[结构]  补充式。

[例句]   别看他只学了3个月;但机器在他手里就像从小玩惯的玩具;~。


运用自如 ( yùn yòng zì rú )

  解 释 运用得非常熟练自然。

  出 处 清·梁启超《开明专政论》:“幅员稍狭,故得厉行自制,而运用自如。”

  近 义 运斤成风、游刃有余

  用 法 补充式;作谓语;含褒义

  示 例 这些数学公式他掌握的很好,所以做题能~。






运用自如 句式
GRE,全称Graduate Record Examination,中文名称为美国研究生入学考试,适用于除法律与商业外的各专业。由美国教育考试服务处(Educational Testing Service,简称ETS)主办,GRE是美国、加拿大的大学各类研究生院(除管理类学院,法学院)要求申请者所必须具备的一个考试成绩,也是教授对申请者是否授予奖学金所依据的最重要的标准。 另有,Generic Routing Encapsulation(通用路由封装)也简称GRE。



1、使用否定的时候,比如:什么什么对个人不好,对社会也不好。为什么不来个倒装?Never/neither/nor/seldom/rarely/on no account + is…

2、当你想表达“如果怎么怎么样,就是另外一种情况”—虚拟语气。为什么不来个虚拟倒装?Were(Had) it…,something would......

3、强调句的使用:It is people who…/ it is something that…

4、让步句式的使用:“无论什么样的情况下”However[No matter how] whatever[no matter what]等等….

还有一种Cogent as this response is, it has some minor errors. Somewhat reasonable as the issue presents, it does not experience a case-by- case examination.

还有比较常用的although... It should be admittedly that…,however it does not follow that/

5、疑问句。用于开头,来个设问句,在自问自答,提出自己观点;用于段中,比如举设想的例子:Can you imagine that…­/ How can one imagine…­

6、定语从句(这个大家一般用的比较熟练,但是注意不要太罗嗦…society where(in which)…,/ something on which we depend (on which…based)

7、The more…the more…句式的使用。人们越幸福,社会越稳定啦、等等。

8、Not only…but also的使用。很好用的,ETS经典的6分范文:专才VS通才不就用了两个嘛?


10、还有一些比较常用的:There is no denying that…/ there is no doubt that…




运用自如 句式

1、使用否定的时候,比如:什么什么对个人不好,对社会也不好。为什么不来个倒装?Never/neither/nor/seldom/rarely/on no account + is…

2、当你想表达“如果怎么怎么样,就是另外一种情况”—虚拟语气。为什么不来个虚拟倒装?Were(Had) it…,something would......

3、强调句的使用:It is people who…/ it is something that…

4、让步句式的使用:“无论什么样的情况下”However[No matter how] whatever[no matter what]等等….

还有一种Cogent as this response is, it has some minor errors. Somewhat reasonable as the issue presents, it does not experience a case-by- case examination.

还有比较常用的although... It should be admittedly that…,however it does not follow that/

5、疑问句。用于开头,来个设问句,在自问自答,提出自己观点;用于段中,比如举设想的例子:Can you imagine that…?/ How can one imagine…?

6、定语从句(这个大家一般用的比较熟练,但是注意不要太罗嗦…society where(in which)…,/ something on which we depend (on which…based)

7、The more…the more…句式的使用。人们越幸福,社会越稳定啦、等等。

8、Not only…but also的使用。很好用的,ETS经典的6分范文:专才VS通才不就用了两个嘛?


10、还有一些比较常用的:There is no denying that…/ there is no doubt that…

11、还有imong的一个句子:So powerful the scandal is that Watergate became the talk of the world.如此..以至于..

感谢您阅读《各种变换句式运用自如 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。...



运用自如 句式


1、使用否定的时候,比如:什么什么对个人不好,对社会也不好。为什么不来个倒装?Never/neither/nor/seldom/rarely/on no account + is…

2、当你想表达“如果怎么怎么样,就是另外一种情况”—虚拟语气。为什么不来个虚拟倒装?Were(Had) it…,something would......

3、强调句的使用:It is people who…/ it is something that…

4、让步句式的使用:“无论什么样的情况下”However[No matter how] whatever[no matter what]等等….

还有一种Cogent as this response is, it has some minor errors. Somewhat reasonable as the issue presents, it does not experience a case-by- case examination.

还有比较常用的although... It should be admittedly that…,however it does not follow that/

5、疑问句。用于开头,来个设问句,在自问自答,提出自己观点;用于段中,比如举设想的例子:Can you imagine that…?/ How can one imagine…?

6、定语从句(这个大家一般用的比较熟练,但是注意不要太罗嗦…society where(in which)…,/ something on which we depend (on which…based)

7、The more…the more…句式的使用。人们越幸福,社会越稳定啦、等等。

8、Not only…but also的使用。很好用的,ETS经典的6分范文:专才VS通才不就用了两个嘛?


10、还有一些比较常用的:There is no denying that…/ there is no doubt that…

11、还有imong的一个句子:So powerful the scandal is that Watergate became the talk of the world.如此..以至于

感谢您阅读《各种变换句式运用自如 》一文,留学群(liuxuequn.com)编辑部希望本文能帮助到您。...


英语演讲稿范文:I Am Chinese 我是中国人 演讲稿

上海 设问 运用自如
12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。

这篇英文演讲稿很好地使用了演讲的修辞手段:比喻、排比、设问等,加强了文章的气势,词语运用自如,精彩的句子比比皆是,例如:Our problems are big, but our ambition is even bigger, our challenges are great, but our will is even greater,等等。这篇演讲曾在上海外国语学院附中International Week举办的英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖。
Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
I am Chinese. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. I've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. I've learned about the Great Wall and the Yangtze River. I've learned about Zhang Heng(张衡)and I've learned about Zheng He(郑和).Who says the Yellow River Civilization has vanished(消失)?I know that my ancestors have made miracles(奇迹)on this fertile land and we're still making miracles. Who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into space, and that our GNP ranks No. 7 in the world? We have experienced the plunders (掠夺) by other nations, and we have experienced the war. Yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----China, unyielding and unconquerable!
I once came across an American tourist. She said, “China has a history of five thousand years, but the US only has a history of 200 years. Five thousand years ago, China took the lead in the world, and now it is the US that is leading.”My heart was deeply touched by these words. It is true t...



设问 运用自如 排比
12月23日 留学群liuxuequn.com英语频道特为大家准备相关的学习资料,希望对大家有用。

这篇英文演讲稿很好地使用了演讲的修辞手段:比喻、排比、设问等,加强了文章的气势,词语运用自如,精彩的句子比比皆是,例如:Our problems are big, but our ambition is even bigger, our challenges are great, but our will is even greater,等等。这篇演讲曾在上海外国语学院附中International Week举办的英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖。

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls,
I am Chinese. I am proud of being a Chinese with five thousand years of civilization behind. I've learned about the four great inventions made by our forefathers. I've learned about the Great Wall and the Yangtze River. I've learned about Zhang Heng(张衡)and I've learned about Zheng He(郑和).Who says the Yellow River Civilization has vanished(消失)?I know that my ancestors have made miracles(奇迹)on this fertile land and we're still making miracles. Who can ignore the fact that we have established ourselves as a great state in the world, that we have devised our own nuclear weapons, that we have successfully sent our satellites into space, and that our GNP ranks No. 7 in the world? We have experienced the plunders (掠夺) by other nations, and we have experienced the war. Yet, based on such ruins, there still stands our nation----China, unyielding and unconquerable!
I once came across an American tourist. She said, “China has a history of five thousand years, but the US only has a history of 200 years. Five thousand years ago, China took the lead in the world, and now it is the US that is leading.”My heart was deeply touched by these words. It is...

