莫道克大学(Murdoch University)创办于1973年,是澳大利亚一所著名的公立大学。莫道克大学以“卓越”为目标,在教学和研究方面均有不错的国际声誉。学校的优势专业有贸易、信息技术、政治学与国际研究、工程学、环境科学、数学和物理科学等,与一些澳洲知名研究机构有奖学金合作,同时学校也有自己设立的留学生奖学金。其学术优秀奖学金、院长科学优秀奖学金,以及与澳大利亚能源研究所合作的能源研究所奖学金目前仍可以申请。具体请看留学群以下的介绍。
Murdoch scholarships
A scholarship is a payment made to an eligible student to support their study. It is not a loan and does not have to be repaid. Most scholarships are not intended to be used to pay tuition fees, but can help to cover university costs such as books, living expenses and transport.
At Murdoch we offer scholarships for a range of students including:
international students
students facing financial hardship
students with records of high achievement
students studying specific courses
There are also a number of scholarships offered by external providers, including government and private organisations.
MUAEA: International Students
The Murdoch University Academic Excellence Awards (MUAEA's) acknowledge and reward commencing students who have a record of high academic achievement in previous studies.
MUAEA's are awarded to commencing international students enrolled in all Murdoch Un...