鹿特丹大学(伊拉斯谟大学/伊拉斯姆斯大学),全称鹿特丹伊拉斯谟大学(荷兰语:Erasmus Universiteit
Rotterdam,英语:Erasmus University
1913: Netherlands School of Commerce.Erasmus University Rotterdam has been
in existence in its present form since 1973. Its history, however, dates back to
1913, the year in which the Netherlands School of Commerce (Nederlandsche
Handels-Hoogeschool, NHH) was founded through private initiative with broad
support from the Rotterdam business community.
1939: Netherlands School of Economics.The statutory recognition of higher
education in commerce and economics as an academic discipline resulted in 1939
in a change of name. The NHH became the NEH (Nederlandse Economische Hogeschool)
or Netherlands School of Economics.The growing complexity of society led in the
1960s to the arrival of the faculties of Law and Social Sciences, followed in
later decades by Philosophy, History and Arts, and Business Administration.
1966: Medical Faculty Rotterdam.From 1950, the Foundation for Higher
Clinical E...