苹果首次进入手机市场是在2005年,当时苹果与摩托罗拉合作推出了一款iTunes手机——Motorola Rockr。尽管理论上,这款设备将移动与音乐进行了融合,但实际上,它并没有引起消费者多大兴趣。第七代的iPhone 5S和iPhone 5C于2013年9月10日发布,同年9月20日正式发售。第八代的iPhone 6和iPhone6 Plus于2014年9月10日发布,中国大陆地区销售时间定为10月17日。
Although Apple's current-gen versions of itssignature iPhone line -- the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6Plus -- continue to rack up sales to the tune ofnearly 140 million units over the past two fiscalquarters, that doesn't mean that Apple's notworking on improving the product.
虽然苹果公司手机线上当前的产品——iPhone6和iPhone 6Plus在过去的两个会计季度里销量持续增长达近140万台之多,但这并不意味着苹果公司不会继续改进其产品。
According to a report from Bloomberg, Apple'salready started working on the next version of itsiPhone, going into volume production next month.
And while we're all unsure of the name, the conventional naming nomenclature for phoneshas been to follow a number change (i.e., going from the iPhone 5s to iPhone 6) with a letterchange (i.e. the upgrade from the iPhone 5 to the iPhone 5s), leading me to think the modelswill be named the iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus.
Again, we don't know what Apple will name the new unit, but it's cert...