

考研英语 词汇备考 英语词汇词义解析




  affluent a. 富裕的,富足的

  aftermath n. 后果,余波

  aggravate vt. 1.加重 2.激怒,使恼火

  aggregate n. 总数,合计 a. 总计的,合计 vt. 1.总计达,合计 2.使聚集,使积聚

  in the aggregate 总共,作为总体

  agitate vi. (for,against)煽动,鼓动 vt. 1.搅动,摇动 2.使焦虑不安

  agony n. (极度的)痛苦,创痛

  agreeable a. 1.令人愉快的,惬意的 2.(欣然)同意的,乐意的

  aide n. 助手,副官

  ailment n. 小病,疾病

  air-conditioning n. 空调设备,空调系统

  aisle [ail] n. 过道,通道

  album n. 粘贴簿,集邮簿,像册

  alcoholic a. 1.酒精的,含酒精的 2.由酒精引起的 n. 酗酒者

  alien a. 1.外国的,外国人的 2.陌生的 3.性质不同的,不相容的 n. 1.外国人,外侨 2.外星人

  alienate vt. 1.使疏远,使不友好,离间 2.转让,让渡(财产等)

  allege vt. 断言,宣称,硬说

  alleviate vt. 减轻,缓解,缓和

  alley n. 小巷,胡同

  allot vt. 分配,拨出

  alloy n. 合金 vt. 将……铸成合金

  allude vi. (to)暗指,影射,提及

  A Hungry Alien

  When an alcoholic man dressed in dirty clothes and stinking of beer first alleged that an alien had landed in an alley behind a restaurant frequented by the affluent, no one listened to him. Photos from the aftermath filled 10 photo albums.

  In the begining, as he rushed down the center aisle of the pleasantly air-conditioned room, the alcoholic wasn't able to successfully agitate anybody. It was as if they were only looking at his appearance and not listening to his words. Wh...

