
Online App Teaches Girls Computer Coding

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  留学群英语栏目小编们精心为广大考生准备了“Online App Teaches Girls Computer Coding”,各位同学赶快学起来吧,做好万全准备,祝各位同学考试顺利通过。

  Women face obstacles in the male-dominated field of computer technology, but new initiatives are teaching girls to write computer programs. One online application, from a startup called Vidcode, is bridging the gap between young girls and technology.

  In New York one-hundred-fifty girls and boys are given a practical challenge: to use computer coding on the Vidcode website to make a video that helps abandoned animals in shelters.

  "You get to use a lot of coding blocks to program stuff. It is really cool," said student Natalie Leow, as she and her partner worked at their laptop.

  On the other side of the country and West Coast office of Vidcode, co-founder Allie Diracles, demonstrated the process, which teaches computer programming as users make videos to post on sites like Facebook or Instagram.

  The girls so like graphics and images.

  "And then on our software, they will use programs and scripts and write their own computer programs to modify that content," she said.

  The background code that enables each step of the process appears on the screen.

  Range of skills

  This New York hackathon contestants learned they are winners for their short video to help abandoned animals .

  "You really need a lot of intelligence and math," said winner Nayely Torres, "because sometimes, to make an anim...

