

中考英语 中考英语听力 中考英语知识点




  1、What‘s your opinion?你的看法呢?

  In my opinion ...据我看,...

  2、Do you think it is...?你可认为...吗?

  Yes,I think so./No,I don‘t think so.是的,我也这样认为.不,我不这样认为.

  / Yes,I agree with you.是的,我同意你的看法.

  / No,I don‘t agree with you.不,我不同意你的看法.

  3、What do you think about it?你对这事是怎么看的.

  I think / I believe...你认为.....

  4、Would you like+名词或不定式?

  此句型用来询问别人的愿望的,其简略答语是I‘d like to或I’d love to我愿意。


  中考英语阅读理解练习题及答案:The Weather

  中考英语阅读:Tom Broke a Plate or a Gold Watch

  中考英语阅读理解题及答案:The Artist and the Beggar

  中考英语阅读理解题及答案:A Common Language



中考英语 中考英语听力 中考英语知识点




  What do you think of....?/ How do you like....?/How did you find......?你认为......怎么样?

  What‘s you opinion of......?你对........的看法是什么?

  Tell us what you think about/ of.......谈谈你对的.......看法?

  We’d like to have your views/ opinions about.......我们想听听你对......的看法?

  Well done/ Good work!很好!干得不错!

  Not bad.不错!

  It certainly is.的确如此.

  It‘s correct to do(sth)......是对的.

  It seems (to me) that-clause.(在我看来)好象

  .......In my opinion,...../ As I see it,


  ......So far as I know, ... / From what I know/ understand......就我所知,

  ......I would say......我认为......I think / believe / suppose......很可能......I’m sure......我确信......I don‘t think......我认为....不...It doesn’t seem possible that-clause,.........好象不可能.


  中考英语阅读理解练习题及答案:The Weather

  中考英语阅读:Tom Broke a Plate or a Gold Watch



Smart Home Camera Detects Intruders

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  留学群英语栏目小编们精心为广大考生准备了“Smart Home Camera Detects Intruders”,各位同学赶快学起来吧,做好万全准备,祝各位同学考试顺利通过。

  Many homes today are fitted with security cameras and sensors to alert the owners if someone is moving on their property, be it a family member, a mail carrier or an intruder. French company Netatmo has designed a smart home camera that recognizes familiar faces and alerts owners if a stranger has entered their home. The face-recognition camera has helped at least one man catch a thief.

  The smart camera can let parents at work know that their children have returned home from school, or that a package has been delivered at their door. It can also let them know if an unknown person has trespassed on their property.

  "Current security cameras are not that smart. So, they can tell you if something is moving but they don't necessarily know if it's a human being or if it's your kids; they don't know the difference. So, they will alert you all the time, also if lighting conditions change and it can be very annoying. But, if you're a very busy working professional, you want to know what's going on at your place," explained Janina Mattausch, a product marketing manager for Netatmo.

  When family members enter a home, the smart camera "recognizes" them and sends information to the owner's smartphone. The owner can check the information at a convenient time. But if an intruder enters a home, the camera will send an alert that wil...


Online App Teaches Girls Computer Coding

英语听力知识点 英语听力辅导资料 英语听力

  留学群英语栏目小编们精心为广大考生准备了“Online App Teaches Girls Computer Coding”,各位同学赶快学起来吧,做好万全准备,祝各位同学考试顺利通过。

  Women face obstacles in the male-dominated field of computer technology, but new initiatives are teaching girls to write computer programs. One online application, from a startup called Vidcode, is bridging the gap between young girls and technology.

  In New York one-hundred-fifty girls and boys are given a practical challenge: to use computer coding on the Vidcode website to make a video that helps abandoned animals in shelters.

  "You get to use a lot of coding blocks to program stuff. It is really cool," said student Natalie Leow, as she and her partner worked at their laptop.

  On the other side of the country and West Coast office of Vidcode, co-founder Allie Diracles, demonstrated the process, which teaches computer programming as users make videos to post on sites like Facebook or Instagram.

  The girls so like graphics and images.

  "And then on our software, they will use programs and scripts and write their own computer programs to modify that content," she said.

  The background code that enables each step of the process appears on the screen.

  Range of skills

  This New York hackathon contestants learned they are winners for their short video to help abandoned animals .

  "You really need a lot of intelligence and math," said winner Nayely Torres, "because sometimes, to make an anim...


Top 5 Songs for Week Ending May 14

英语听力知识点 英语听力考点 英语听力重点

  留学群英语栏目小编们精心为广大考生准备了“Top 5 Songs for Week Ending May 14”,各位同学赶快学起来吧,做好万全准备,祝各位同学考试顺利通过。

  These are the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending May 14, 2016.

  U.S. author William Faulkner once wrote, “The past is not dead. It’s not even past.” He could have been referring to this week’s lineup, as you’ll see below.

  Number 5: Mike Posner " I Took A Pill In Ibiza"

  Mike Posner starts us off, as “I Took A Pill In Ibiza” rests in fifth place. Mike “dropped” his new album this week…literally. On May 9, Mike partnered with GoPro cameras to promote his new sophomore album At Night, Alone. An album attached to a GoPro was dropped from a weather balloon soaring 32 kilometers above the earth. A teaser clip is currently online, with the full video on the way.

  Number 4: Prince "Purple Rain"

  Our next single mixes tragedy and triumph. When Prince passed away on April 21, his fans around the globe rushed to re-discover his peerless body of work. Jumping from 17th to fourth place: “Purple Rain.”

  It peaked in second place when it first appeared in late 1984. Rolling Stone magazine ranked it 143rd in its list of the 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time. Additionally, the members of The Revolution, which disbanded in 1986, say they’re re-uniting for a series of Prince tribute concerts.

  Number 3: Lukas Graham "7 Years"

  Lukas Graham is righ...



高考英语听力 高考技巧







高考英语听力 高考技巧



  现在的考生在中学阶段主要学的是标准英式发音,大学阶段又更多地接触了美式发音。美式发音和英式发音的区别虽然很不明确,但还是有一些规律可循的,例如,英式读法中 r 不发音 ( 如 arm 、 poor 等 ) ,美式读法却要发音。解决这个问题除需要系统了解外,主要靠平时多听多说,养成耳朵的适应性。需要注意的是,英式英语和美式英语之间在用词上也有区别。例 秋天 " ,英式英语常用 autumn ,美式英语则多使用 fall 。




高考英语听力 高考技巧



  俗话说 " 听话听音 " ,英语也不例外。在英语听力,特别是会话中,语气和语调起着很重要的作用,很多时候只有通过它们才能准确判断说话人的意图和态度,而且其中常常含有隐义。例如:I must admit I have learned much from the lectures given by Dr. Smith.What did I tell you ?



  I haven't seen my parents' four years !

  I haven't seen my parents for' years !




高考英语听力 高考技巧




  连读和吞音是语速较快时的一种自然现象。考研英语听力中出现的是一些比较容易识别或稍加注意就能够识别的连读。吞音难度较大,一般不会涉及很多,主要是口语中/ p /、/ t /在重音/ s /之后的爆破等。考生平时除了做专项训练,自己也应该进行一些朗读、会话训练,体会发音中的这些自然过程。



高考英语听力 高考技巧




  填表和填空题型中会出现有关数字、日期等的听写。目前常见的以下词汇和表达必须注意:复杂的基数 ( 如 35476) ;序数 (10th) ;分数 ( one eighth 、 three eighths) ;小数 (0.65nought point six five) ;集合数字 (1 / 4 : one quarter 、 6 : half a dozen 、 20 : one score) 等。电话号码的读法,年代、日期和时间的读法,常见计量单位等,也要熟悉。

