1)Persistence (持之以恒)
口译学习分听力、口译、阅读、笔译、口语等五部分。难度要数听力、口译和笔译。一部分学员由于基础不好,或者工作繁忙,没有时间复习,导致跟不上。最后就放弃了。西方有句谚语:Rome was not built in a day. (罗马不是一天建成的。) 口译学习需要大量的付出,只要努力了,必然会有回报。西方还有一句谚语说:No pains, no gains. (不劳无获)。
2)Practice (训练)
很多学员在学习四六级的时候,主要把时间化在单词的记忆上,很大程度上忽略了动手能力,导致:high score, poor ability(高分低能)。而口译学习则不同,不仅需要课堂上的积极参与,还需要课后大量的训练。实践证明,那些只听不练的同学是很难通过考试的。很多同学学习时,一遇到困难就想看答案,殊不知翻译的多样性,句子的处理完全在于自己的把握和理解上。
译1)Macao successfully retuned to the embrace of the motherland, which signified another step toward the great goal of the peaceful reunification. (定语从句表示补充说明)
译2)Macao successfully retuned to the embrace of the motherland, signifying another step toward the great goal of the peaceful reunification. (分词表示补充说明)
译3)Macao successfully retuned to the embrace of the motherland, a mark that we had taken another step toward the great goal of the peaceful reunification. (名词同位语表示补充说明) 而如果你认为要重点强调“澳门回归”的重要意义,那么“标志着”就应该是句子的主要谓语动词。
译4)Macao’s successful return to the embrace of the motherland signified China’s another step toward the great goal of peaceful reunification.
3)Participation (积极参与)
前面提到,学习中要多参与,而且需要积极参与,尤其是在口译和口语训练中。一些同学很害羞,担心说错,不愿开口。要知道:Nobody is b...